Chapter Three- Revoked Innocence

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        The following morning, I awoke to the sound of water being sprayed outside. I was unsure where and being as curious as I was, went to investigate. Placing a jacket that covered the clothes I had been wearing, I scurried outside to find Nicholas showering outside. It was as if he bore no shame. Sculpted in complete perfection. Muscles prominent and flexing as he moved. The water hitting against his body so it caused a glisten on his skin. I found myself still as I watched him. His stance was relaxed and content even, but I found just admiration for the man who was before me. I also found my eyes refused to waver from him. Then he turned. His stomach was also defined in great detail with a small slit that was red still from the incident which lead him to the barn in the first place. His eyes were closed as he was running the water through his hair, but he quickly turned to me and his eyes met with mine. I froze with fear. He would now believe I was a creepy stalker. Someone who was immature and curious more than anything.

        To my surprise, I discovered he did not much care for how I saw him. Or how much of him I saw. He explained it to me as if I were in science class once again.         

        "It's nothing to be ashamed of. The body is a beautiful instrument and one I intend on taking care of properly." At this time, I was unsure if he meant my body or his. To be frank, I didn't much care.

        We both walked back into the house when he was dressed and I went to make him breakfast before he stopped me.

        "It is my way of thanking you. If you'll let me."

        I was anxious to see if he was a good cook or just trying to impress so I allowed him to. He whisked and flipped and even stood with lust. I swear to this very moment if I had been more secure I would have kissed him then.

        His hands were thick and his fingers were long as he made my breakfast. Eggs scrambled with cheese, french toast, and fresh fruit that he found in the side of the door of the fridge. In all my life, I have never had a breakfast like this. The most I had gotten was a cupcake for my birthday-which was not even the right day...

        "There. Let me know if you like it." He said as he watched as I anxiously took my first bite.

        I swear I had never tasted anything like it before. The eggs melted in my mouth as the fruit complimented the french toast that was also to die for. I was unaware you could lose your taste virginity... I just gave him a smile and thumbs up since my mouth had been full. He looked at me with a giggle before wiping off some powdered sugar from my lip then placing the finger in his mouth and sucking it off. He was unaware his effect on me. And at the time, I was unaware he had taken my innocence then.

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