First Thoughts

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Marinette Pov

I don't know what made me gravitate to Izuku so quickly. Maybe his friendly green eyes or his adorable lopsided grin. Maybe it was the all around inviting attitude he held, or the way he was super clumsy to where it was a fault. Maybe it was because he reminded me so much of myself. Especially the acute observation skills. Which may have been my downfall.

"In our world we aren't born with powers. I was gifted a miraculous."

"Your earrings I assume?" Izuku asks.

" did you know?"

"I could tell you've been wearing them for a while. The way they fit. Your ear is sort of molded to the shape." Wow. He really did have good observations.

"Yeah. Well, I call for my kwami and I am gifted these powers. My kwami is the kwami of creation."

Izuku's eyes widen. "That is so cool! You are just like Momo! As long as she understands the way something is built she can imagine it and create it form her body!"

I wince. "That isn't what my power does. I have a lucky charm, acute observation skills, extra strength and I can restore damage done during battle back to the way they were. It is a pretty cool power. My partner Cat Noir has the power of destruction. So he's basically the opposite of me." he looks at me. "Although I have to admit, your power is WAY cooler than mine. You don't even need a kwami. But that begs me to must be from another dimension."

Izuku bites the corner of his lip and I have to admit, my heart does flutter a little bit. Is it possible that maybe his eyes are a bit more beautiful than Adrien's? No! That can't be true. I must be going crazy.

"You could be right Marinette...I didn't even think about Warp Gate being able to transfer people into other dimensions." Izuku has concern glaze over his eyes. "And that just brings on a whole new problem on how I am supposed to get home." He groans and rubs his eyes. I see Kaalki giggling. So is Daizzi.

"The bees knees!"

I roll my eyes and continue to focus on Izuku. I try to get his mind off the obvious problem. "Hey! Whats your hero name in your dimension? What is the holder of your power named?"

Izuku gives a small smile. "Well we don't have holders Marinette, remember? Well...were born with powers in our dimension. I wasn't though. I was gifted One for All. But my hero name is Deku. Kaachan - well Katsuki Bakugo - always called me that as a kid. Granted, it was what he called me when he bullied me, but I turned it into my hero name!" His face lights up and I feel those flutters again. Dang it Marinette! Keep it in check! Izuku is basically a stranger!

His smile seems to light up my room though.

"Ever since I was a little kid I wanted to be a superhero! I wanted to be as great as All Might, if not, even greater! And when I was told I would never have a quirk, I didn't even let that stop me! I started observing as much as I can. I observed all the heroes I could, learning evey single thing I could about their quirks. Like, maybe you can notice that about the villains you face! Kaachan isn't a villain but I did notice he always leads with a right hook. And that helps every time I fight him. But I don't fight him a lot, just for like, practice. Mr. Aizawa likes throwing us in the ring because it helps our fighting abilities! OH! I can't wait to see what fighting is like at your school! It must be so fun! But not for the people who don't have...kwamis? Is that what their called?" Izuku's eyes are bright, his smile even brighter.

"Well, just me and Cat have miraculouses. Cat has his ring, I have my earrings."

"Do you know who Cat is?"I shake my head.

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