Holy Mother of Pearl

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I'm not dumb.

At least...not all the time.

In fact I'm rather smart.

And I'd have to be outright brain dead to ignore the looks I was getting from people at school.

Well, the looks we were getting.

"Damn, are people that desperate that they need to stare at us continually?" Bakugo growls. "I mean come on have they never seen attractive men before?"

"Actually Kacchan to them we're like...model attractive."

"I don't know what you're saying Midoriya because I was model attractive before I even came here." Todoroki comments.

"I think the power from your world is too much for this one to handle. Forget model attractive you guys are even above that." Marinette mumbles. I think I hear her mumble. "Especially Izuku." But maybe that is just me being hopeful that our kiss will span into something more.

We told each other our feelings. We laid our cards on the table. Face up.

But we haven't really decided what to label what it is we have going on.

Boyfriend and girlfriend?

Or no because we'll have to break up so soon?

Friends with benefits?

I didn't like the sound of that either.

"Alya, Nino, Adrien!" Marinette runs up to her three best friends and my two best friends and I walk up to the other group slowly.

"HOLY mother of Pearl." Alya breathes. "Wo-ow."

"Babe, c'mon." Nino grumbles.

"I'm just stating facts Nino you guys are...gorgeous."

Bakugo gives a lopsided grin. "We know."

I notice Adrien's jaw clench a littl and he grabs a piece of har off of Marinette's jacket and drops it to the ground. I feel my stomach tighten a little at that until I recognize it as just a friendly gesture.

I assume.

"I'm Alya. This is my boyfriend Nino. And this is his best friend Adrien."

"Shoto Todoroki." Todoroki bows, as does Bakugo.

"Katsuki Bakugo."

He sounds angry when he says it and Alya flinches a little.

"Don't worry about Kacchan. He isn't mad at you. He just sounds angry all of the time." I assure her.

"Oh. Okay. So do you know them?"

"Yeah. Todoroki and Kacchan are my two best friends. Although they don't get a long as well as they get along with me. Kacchan doesn't get along with people period but when you are childhood friends you are obligatory best friends when you end up fighting for the same title you know?"

"Um... I think so?" Alya seems like she is about to say something when Adrien interrupts.

"Wait, Marinette, are they all staying at your house?" Marinette nods.

"Yeah we have a guest bedroom with a couch and two beds. So they are all staying in there since they are used to being in dorms together, right?"

"Well, basically. We all have separate rooms but we all live rather close together especially in the commons." Todoroki explains.

We walked to class and I noticed Adrien talking to Marinette.

She seemed angry about something.

I couldn't hear what their conversation was about because Nino and Todoroki were talking about music or something or another.

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