Why him?

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It had been a couple of days since that woman died in the alleyway. They had cancelled school for the rest of the week since the body was so close to building.

No one knew who in fact murdered the woman. And the authorities were seemingly harassing Deku for answers.

But for some reason he just said he didn't know.

I would have felt bad if they kept harassing him after he had given them answers; but he had't given them any answers at all. He just kept evading question after question.

Parents and people of all kinds were freaking out. There was a deranged killer on the loose in the Parisian streets and no one knew where they were.

And what doesn't help is that they didn't seem to act alone.

I felt bad that Marinette was the one who stumbled across the body. Her innocence was completely shattered. I could only hope that she was able to erase that image from her mind. But I was a fool to actually believe that she could.

She had stayed holed up in her room and was avoiding calls so I decided to go check in on her in person.

My father and Nathalie didn't let me go. But there was a reason I could sneak out so easily. And I had Plagg to thank for that.

By the time I reached the bakery, there was barely anyone I had crossed on the streets. While people owned cars they usually walked since everything was so close. But since this murderer was walking around they decided it was the safest option to use their automobiles.

I landed outside of the bakery and detransformed, entering into it.

"Goodness Adrien! Are you being safe? Why are you walking around in times like these?" Sabine walks around the counter and grabs my face in her hands, inspecting it for any trace of fear or hurt.

"I cam to check in on Marinette."

"Oh. She's upstairs. I can take you there now."

"Thank you."

We walked up the stairs and I felt a little nervous. I had no idea what state I would find Marinette in.

But when I got upstairs I did not expect to see Marinette the way she was.

She was laughing, playing Monopoly with Deku and his two friends.

She looked up when I walked in. "Adrien!" She got up and went to hug me and then pulled back, frustration and worry clouding her other wise clear eyes. "Are you insane? Walking around when there is a murder on the lose?!" She tsks and shakes her head.

Bakugo rolls the dice and lands on a space with three houses on it. "Dammit!" He growls.

"Kacchan, you own that."

"Oh, fuck, I guess I do." I turn my nose up a little and I feel guilty. Just for a second. Its not the spiky blonde boy I'm jealous of. Or the guy with the multi-colored hair and eyes.

Its Deku.

Because Marinette seems to be whilly infatuated with him. And I hate that. I don't hate him. I hate that Marinette likes or seems to like him.

I would find a way to make Marinette mine. She and I have a friendship that no one can really top. Not even a naturally super powered guy under the guise of a foreign exchange student.

Which begged me to assume that the spiky blonde haired boy had powers as well. I just had no clue what they were yet.

"Do you wanna join us in playing Monopoly?"

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