The Right Choice

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"They took her. She's gone." I sat across from Toga and Dabi in a small bakery. It wasn't Marinette's bakery. I couldn't stand the thought of being surrounded by her family who had been missing her the past few days. But it wasnt like I could just randomly tell them their daughter was kidnapped by some deranged lunatics with level one hundred superpowers.

They'd think I was mocking them or something.

"Well we'll get them back in no time." Toga sighs happily. "I promise you Izuku isn't all that bad. He won't do anything to hurt your precious Marinette. I promise Adrien." The blonde girl smiles and her teeth are actually rather sharp.

"You promise?" Toga nods. Dabi stares me down and I feel a sense of peace with Toga but uneasiness with Dabi. He hadn't really taken that much of a liking someone towards me.

I finish the croissants that are on the plate in front of me. I rarely self indulge in baked goods but the Marinette situation was throwing me in for a loop.I knew I would pay for it later, especially with a photoshoot coming up so soon.

"So tell me Adrien..." Toga traces circles on the table in front of her. "What exactly is this ability you possess?"

I turn around to make sure no one is near us. The closest table to us is watching American Pop music videos with the volume so loud I can hear it coming out of their headphones. I turn back to Dabi and Toga and clear my throat.

"Where exactly did they take Marinette?" I defer from the previous conversation.

By the looks of it Dabi isn't too happy. "I wouldn't just ignore wacko's question. You asking for a death wish?"

Toga giggles maniacally. "I'm not that crazy Dabi. I wouldn't hurt Adrien. I have enough marbles rolling around in my head to make that decision." She giggles again and I feel a little weird. Like an intuitive defensive system just grows in my belly.

"Ha, don't trick yourself into believing that. If you had even one more screw loose you'd be a hardware store." Dabi puts one scarred finger on the table and picks up a straw wrapper, immediately turning it into ash. "Although I'd say you're already pretty close..." He looks at me and this time an entire napkin is swallowed by the blue flames.

The heat is so intense that I can feel myself starting to sweat and I only slightly wonder if I still have eyebrows.

"It's not much of a power. Just...Cataclysm. I guess strength and agility are enhanced. It works better when I'm with Ladybug."

Toga tilts her head. "And where is this Ladybug?"

I swallow. "I...don't know. She disappeared a bit ago. I haven't really seen her since Izuku's friends...showed up." My heart feels sort of funny. "Do you think..."

Toga turns to Dabi. "Wait...didn't...didn't Izuku, Todoroki and Bakugo all fight the number one hero?" Toga hmms. "He...doesn't have his quirk anymore because of them. He had to retire and Todoroki's dad became number one. I heard they weren't too happy about that..." Toga shrugs innocently. "I guess they have a thing for destroying heroes."

I look back and forth between them. "Wait what?"

Dabi shrugs. "My brother never liked my father." He chuckles darkly. "I mean...he provoked my mom enough to have her throw a kettle of boiling water on his face."

I bite my cheek. "Really?"

"Yep. He's the reason she's locked up in a loonie ward." Dabi strokes his chin. "I wonder if he ever visits..."

"So what your saying is they are completely anti hero?"


The door opens and a tall, and dark aura man walks in.

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