Hold On

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I couldn't sleep.

Being back in Marinettes world just threw me for a loop.

I had so many conflicting emotions that it prohibited me from actually being able to tell what I felt.

I could only acknowledge the pit in my stomach but the fluttering in my heart.

Todoroki and Bakugo were asleep in the living room.

I had let the tv drone on for a little bit until I realized it wasn't helping clear my mind.

I made my way outside and walked the streets around the bakery a couple of times.

The night air was cool and I let it hit my face.

"Couldn't sleep?" I look up to see Marinette looking down from her balcony.

Her raven hair was down and dancing in the wind.

She has sleep snug in the features of her face but her eyes screamed alertness.

"Unfortunately no. You couldn't either?"

She looks down at me and chuckles.

"Do you wanna come up here?"

I quickly survey my surroundings and figure I could just catapult myself up to her balcony.

I do a quick double take of the empty streets and I'm hanging into the rail of her balcony within seconds.

Marinette rolls her eyes as I hoist myself up and over the rail.

"Is it stupid that I'm super jealous of your powers?"

I chuckle. "No. They're pretty cool."

A string breeze blows by and I get the chills.

The atmosphere didn't seem right.

Marinette seemed to sense it too.

As soon as the feeling came it left as quickly.

"That was weird." I mumble.

Marinette nods. She looks up at the sky.

"Do you ever dream about what your future will be like?"

I look to the sky as well.

"As a kid I did all the time. I was going to become the number on hero. Just like All Might.

I was going to be someone special. And then I was told I would never have a quirk.

It didn't stop me." I swallow.

"You're on that path right now, Izuku." Marinette says quietly.

"Yeah, I think that part is clear but. Sometimes there are other paths too. Forks in the road. And right now it just doesn't seem too clear to me what will happen."

Marinette nods. "For some reason whenever I dream about the future someone always dies."

I turn to her. "What do you mean?"

Marinette swallows.

"I always lose someone. When I dream about the future. Someone is always missing. No matter how it turns out. Sometimes my mom. Or dad. Sometimes Alya. Adrien. Sometimes...it's Cat and...that one always hurts. In a different way than the others."

"Why are you bringing this up?"

Marinette swallows.

"Because I had a dream tonight. That's why I couldn't sleep."

"Who did you lose?"

Marinette swallows and one tear fell from her eyes.

"I think you know the answer."

I look out at the lights adorning Paris.

"You lost me."

Marinette looks up at the sky.

I take the time to trace her face with my eyes.

To drink in every last thing about her.

To engrain it into the fibre of my being.

I watched as her eyes scanned the stars.

I took the time to count the freckles delicately placed on her face.

To admire the rosy color of her cheeks.

To suffocate in the warm vanilla smell she seemed to exude.

I took the time to let my heart beat rise as I imagined a life with her.

As I imagined a world that revolved around her bell like laugh and her bright smile.

I let my heart soar and fly and beat so hard it nearly pounded out of my chest.

I let my heart rise.

And then I let it fall.

I let it slow down.

I let it slowly release the tight knit it had on all of my fantasies.

I let it slow down to match the rhythm of our breathing.

I let it calm itself down.

I was letting it break.

She wanted to save me.

To keep me.

I wanted to save her.

To keep her.

But I think as I watched tears slowly start to crystallize and paint her face I understood.

I knew she was beginning to understand too.

That there wouldn't be...

That there wasn't much room for...


I think we knew our time was coming to an end.

I think we knew we'd hold on just a little longer.

We'd hold on until the collision of our worlds passed.

We'd hold on until there was no way to hold on any longer.

I just watched as Marinette cried silently.

It could have been minutes.


"The stars are beautiful aren't they?" She whispers.

"Yes, they are."

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