Wait...who is that?

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Adrien POV

The day is somewhat chilly. I'm wearing a hoodie and the girls seem to be ogling at me, as usual. Needless to say, it makes me uncomfortable. The minute my breakup with Kagami went public, I had girls all over me again. Which I wasn't very appreciative of considering I was still sorting through my feelings of the whole predicament. Plagg is sleeping in the pocket of my undershirt, and it seems he's having somewhat of a restless nap. Finally he pops out.

"Adriennn..." He whines. "It's so cold! Why are we standing outside?"

"Because class hasn't started yet. And it looks so pretty outside." I look at all the dying foliage around me. I know when I thought of it that way it didn't sound pretty, but the leaves were dying. Winter was just around the corner.

"I'm cold!" Plagg reminds me of a five year old sometimes. I roll my eyes just as I see Nino walk up with Alya.

"Wassup dude?" He draws out the dude part of it and we dap.

"Always great to see you, Nino."

Alya smiles. "You're silly Adrien. You literally saw him yesterday."

"What can I say? He just means that much." Alya and I fist bump and I can hear laughter around the courtyard. I watch people converse and run around. Kim is trying to jump over a banister while Alex watches. He falls and I can't help but feel embarrassed for him. He gets up and goes at it again.

Alya looks at her phone. She scrunches her eyebrows.

"What's the matter babe?" Nino asks.

Alya looks up. "Oh nothing. I just realized I had a pronoun disagreement in my last blog post. I usually check them thoroughly." She shrugs. "Anyways, where's Marinette? She asked if I could sit next to someone else for the day. I'm just confused I guess. Is she mad at me?" Alya looks slightly determined. Usually if Marinette was acting off she wouldn't get anxious or upset. She would just set herself on figuring out why and what the problem was. That was the type of friend she was. A best friend. She balanced out Marinette very well.

Nino shrugs. "Dudette didn't say anything to me."

Alya looks at me. "Do you know Adrien?" She has her interrogation face on.

"Um...why would I know?"

"Because your her best friend-after me of course." She quickly adds.

"I mean...me her best friend? I mean sure she's my best friend-" Nino raises his eyebrows. "What Nino? You know you're my main man but I've been friends with Mari longer...in some senses... I'm sorry."


"Oh, okay. Well we're close I guess but she doesn't really tell me about her problems as much as she asks me about mine." When those words come out of my mouth I feel kind of selfish. Like maybe I'm focused too much on myself. Maybe she isn't focused on me. Maybe I just bring up my problems too much and don't give her any room to discuss her own. My thoughts seem to be spiraling downward with the inevitable conclusion that I am a bad friend when Alya snaps me out of my reverie.

"I just texted her." I smile. Alya always is the one to find the solution to her own problems. And everyone else's for the matter.

Nino starts talking about this new beat he's been working on when I see Marinette in the distance.

"Hey Alya there's Marin-" I stop.

There is a tall guy with green hair. It wasn't like a crazy green, it seemed to suit him. Kind of like how Luka was able to rock blue hair. The guy is walking side by side with Marinette and she is laughing. I immediately swipe away the slight ting of awe I feel. I never seem to be able to get Marinette to truly laugh. Maybe a giggle or nervous chuckle here or there but this guy is making her belly laugh. Truly laugh. I wonder what he had said to trigger that reaction.

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