Greener Than My Eyes

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First off Happy Easter!!! Hope your day is going great!!!


I sat in the steps of the school talking to Nino and Alya. I was halfway zoned out thinking of what way I was going to woo Marinette today.

"And I was like damn..." Nino concluded the story he was telling and I pretended that I listened. I hummed and recognition and Alya laughed at the end of his story. It was obvious my reaction wasn't the one intended.

"You okay dude? You seem kind of out of it." Nino commented as I snapped back from my reverie again.

"How long did Marinette like me for?" I asked. Nino and Alya seems taken a back by the question but I had spent the last couple of nights going over our every interaction. It had taken a while but I had finally pieced together when things changed for us.

Its funny, I hadn't even remembered she'd kept my umbrella.

"A long time. But why does that matter?" Alya asked. "Unless you're going to do something about it which I think is-" Alya snaps he mouth shut.

"You think is what, babe?" Nino asks.

"A very bad idea." Alya nudges her head forward and we follow her eyes to Marinette and her three new friends.

One of which she was holding hands with and leaning onto heavily.

Izuku had a content smile plastered on his face and the sun seemed to be hitting his every good spot. I could see that Marinette was thinking the same thing because she seemed awestruck while staring at him.

His two best friends trailed them like bodyguards - which would make sense because they had powers.

At least I was one hundred percent sure Izuku and Todoroki did. I had yet to figure out what Bakugo's power was. But he seemed like a real dick so I'd rather not find out in case that was aimed towards me.

"Holy shit! She didn't tell me they were dating!" Alya chuckles and runs up to Marinette. She pulls her away from Izuku with an apologetic smile and then drags her about ten feet away from us. "GIRL YOU GUYS ARE DATING NOW?! I KNEW YOU KISSED BUT-" She took a deep breath. "Spill. Everything. Now."

"Alya, it'd be sort of rude to leave them over there by themselves, especially when people are swarming them like ants around a macaron." Marinette commented. She promised Alya at lunch she would tell her everything.

"This is monumental Marinette! I'm so happy for you!" Her best friend hugged her and I felt a deep stab in my abdomen area.

I was green with envy once again.

My soul was greener than my eyes at this point.

Marinette spotted me and Nino and walked over to us, Izuku, Bakugo and Todoroki trailing behind.

"Hi guys!" She reached for Izuku's hand and was met half-way. He smiled and Marinette's face turned slightly rosy.

It hurt me how beautiful she looked with that smile on her face. I knew I was being a horrible human being. Trying so hard to get her to like me again just to give my ego a boost.

"Hey dudette and dudes." Nino does a bro shake with each one of the guys. I'm surprised Bakugo even let Nino near him. I remember the first day he came to school he murdered everyone with his evil glares.

Some of the girls and guys here were masochistic though, so they'd eaten up those humiliating looks from the blond.

And the little heartbreaker with the heterochromic eyes. He had nearly everyone who was in the market for a relationship - and even some who weren't - fawning over him too.

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