Who would you choose?

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I didn't want to worry Marinette. To be honest, I planned on keeping her out of most of this mess with Toga and Dabi.

When we had returned from lunch I wasn't expecting Adrien to be even more guarded than he already was. But somethint was up.

He stared Todoroki, Kacchan and I down and I had a feeling he was on to something.

Marinette still had no clue he was Cat Noir. I had informed Todoroki and Bakugo about it, so they were aware that Adrien had knowledge of our powers.

And how he didn't take the loss against me and Shoto too easily.

I tried to figure out why he would think we were bad guys. I mean I guess it must have been suspicious as to why Todoroki almost immediately started fighting Ladybug and Cat.

But I had only fought beside him because he was my best friend. My fighting partner. And I woukd have to choose him any day.

I still wondered if I would choose Todoroki and Bakugo over Marinette.

If I was being completely honest...

"Hey, Deku?" Kacchan whispered.


"Does it smell like...metal? Metallically?"

Todoroki and I stop in our steps as we're walking to the bakery from school.

Marinette had to stay after to do something for the set of a play going on.

"Hm." Todoroki and I sniff. "I smell something burning actually."

Todoroki's eyes narrow. "Weird."

We continue walking, keeping lookout for anything weird.

"The smell is getting stronger." Kacchan points out.

"You're right."

We stop and stand in place for a minute.

Todoroki steps a few steps forward and gags.

"Shoto whats-" He covers his nose and mouth and points to a small bench on the side of an urgent care.

"How ironic." Bakugo says as we stare at the body laying there.

This time we were too late to know what exactly had happened.

But from the excessive burn marks and the blood that pooled in a ten foot radius it was pretty simple to know what had happened.

"Just can't get enough huh?" Bakugo walks into the urgent care and a less than a minute later a bunch of nurses are running outside.

"We better get going." Todoroki says. "People will start getting suspicious if you're the one at both crime scenes."

My luck was just that though. A police officer was driving by and pulled over after seeing the onslaught of nurses.

One had their phone out about to call the police.
"Who found the body." The officer turned on her walkie and sent out a message to surrounding officers.

"These three boys." The officer looked at me and her eyes narrowed.

"You guys were at the last scene." She drawled. "You must have extremely bad luck to be dumped on with this much traumatic experience."

"Yes we were walking home and we found this...this person." At this point they were so mangled and burned it was hard to see if they were actually a person or not.

The officer shook her head and sirens could be heard in the distance. "Well you'll have to be questioned again."

We nod and step out into the street for some fresh air.

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