Bye Dad.

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The amount of sappiness that plagued the home we were staying in might have been considered unbearable by some.

But not by me - if it were anyone else it would be. But seeing my longest reigning friendship in a good spot, with my best friend filled with happiness and effervescence...well...

I would bear it if it meant he would smile.

Aizawa seemed to be happy that Deku was smiling as well. Although, he had basically had a smile on his face since he found us safe and sound.

He was staying at our teachers house we had found out.

I guess our teacher knew how to sweet talk a lady.

Although now we couldn't look at her and him the same. Even if our hero teacher promised they had done nothing together and he was staying in the guest room.

None of us believed it needless to say.

We had formulated a plan. We would be patroling until we caught wind of the leagues next plan. This time the devices were working so we were able to actually talk to the fuckers back home.

They were all relieved to hear Deku was safe. I didn't blame them. It had lifted a burden off of my chest to see him sound asleep but still breathing.

Uraraka had a sweetness to her voice when she spoke with Deku and I couldn't help but wonder how she would react if she heard about him and Marinette.

I had already seen her slowly fall out of infatuation with Deku. She had strangely been talking to iida more. That smart ass engine dude.

Maybe I was biased but I felt like he was a real downgrade.

Not a rock bottom downgrade - more like a foot above rock bottom. But only because I had seen him choke Mineta out and that had been the best movie premiere I had ever seen.

Marinette offered to let us borrow her kwamis so we could go on patrol but Deku made a great point.

"The league is very...cocky. If they see Eraserhead, Dynamight, Shoto and Deku patrolling - if they know we're here and we're stuck on finding them then they'll continue on their spree...thinking they're leding us on a wild goose chase. But they're messy when the get like that. They'll slip up on their first chance and we'll get them."

"Or you could bait Toga hotshot." Todoroki jokes.

"What do you mean?" Marinette's voice is kind of high pitched. As if she is worried for Deku. "You want Izuku to bait that crazy bitch? She'll kill him!"

Todoroki, Aizawa and I laugh. Deku turns a bright shade of pink.

"What's so funny? There is nothing to be laughing about!" Marinette shrieks nervously. "She's crazy! She already murdered someone! If you let Izuku bait her than he'll be next!"

" they're right." Deku mumbles. "I should bait her. She'll come on out then."

Marinette gives a sarcastic chuckle. "Babe, I know your being super.heroic and stuff but DYING is not fun. Especially when you have a girlfriend and best friends and a fatherly figure right in front of you."

"Marinette..." Izuku warbles out her name. I'm guessing she has never called him babe before. "Toga won't kill me..."

"And how do you know that?"

Izuku scratches his neck and coughs. "So you know that wall you had in your room when we first met? Of like Adrien and stuff?"

"What does that have to do with you and Toga?!"

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