Fighting Feelings

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I wasn't one to typically get jealous. But...I think envy was the only word I could find to describe what I felt when I saw Marinette with Izuku.
"Adrien you've been moping all day. It's starting to bug me. Especially considering during your moping you bought me gorgonzola cheese rather than my deliciously sexy camenbert."
It snapped me out of my reverie. "Did you just use the word sexy to describe cheese? There is something mentally wrong with you."
Plagg cackles. "Oh Adrien you've never experienced a love like the love I share with camenbert." He flies over to my desk and hops onto my keyboard, typing in my password.
"What are you doing Plagg?"
Plagg shrugs. "I was just checking the ladyblog to see Viperion do that super cool thing he did."
I sit in my chair and watch as Plagg pulls up the video.
Now that I think of it the style of Viperion was different from the last time that I saw him. It definitely wasn't Luka who was under the mask.
"Plagg who do you think Viperion is? There is no way Luka was that powerful. It has to be someone else..." I bite my lip while I think and Plagg shrugs again.
"I don't know but you better watch your back he might be in the running to be Ladybugs new partner."
I freeze in my seat. "Don't say that."
Could it be true? Could ladybug replace me with Viperion?
"I was just joking with you." Plagg rolls his beady little cat eyes. "Not like LB would do that to ya. At least I don't think she would..."
I swallow and I feel myself start to sweat.
" you think Marinette likes Izuku?" I blurt out suddenly.
Plagg looks over at me. "That is really random Adrien. But why do you care?"
"Because...because..." I inhale through my nose. "Because's because she...I mean I have a valid reason...I'm...I mean why do I care? I care because...." I feel myself sweating even more under the pressure.
"Because why Adrien?" Plagg looks at his claws bored and then I see a lightbulb go off in his head.
"BWAHAHHAHSHSHSHSHDNKAJS!" He cackles. "AdRieN iS iN lOvE wItH MaRiNeTtE!" He starts laughing so wildly that he cries.
"That is not it Plagg!" I protest. But deep down my stomach is doing flips at the thought of me liking Marinette.
I mean I always thought she was pretty. There was no denying the beauty she held. Both inside and out.
And the way she always smelled like vanilla and green apple shampoo.
And the way she had a small splash of freckles on her nose that became darker when the summer time came. Or the slight rosy tint that arose on her cheeks whenever she ran in late to class.
Or the way her laugh was an enchanting symphony that I couldn't get out of my head.
"Fuck..." I mumbled. Plagg was still laughing. "It's not funny Plagg. I just got out of a relationship how can I have feelings for Marinette already?" I groaned and put my head in my hands.
"Oh stop lying to yourself Adrien. You know you've had feelings for that clumsy girl since you first laid eyes on her. You were always just too preoccupied with LB to notice that Marinette was the one who was holding your heart. But enough about feelings-"
"Do you think I actually like Marinette? Like how do you know if you like someone? Maybe I just like her to not be single?" My voice cracks on the last part and Plagg rolls his beady little eyes yet again.
"Stop freaking out so much Adrien it's not that big of a deal. So what if you like Marinette? That girl has w rizz even though she's a walking hazard."
I shake my head. "Plagg I seriously need to figure this out. And what if I do like her? It's so obvious she likes Izuku!" I groan and lean back in my swivel chair so much it topples over.
I lay there with my thoughts until Nathalie walks in.
"Adrien. I came in to let you know your appointments have been cancelled today. Your father has rather...difficult things he needs to attend to right now. He's given you permission to hang out with Nino and has contacted him. He'll be over in twenty minutes, I advise you get ready. And...out of...whatever slump your in."
When Nathalie walks away I get up an Plagg comes out of hiding.
"Great! I can just ask Nino how to know if I like Marinette! He has a girlfriend! He should be able to tell me!" I jump to go get ready and Plagg groans.
"I thought I said we were done talking about feelings..."


Nino arrives a little before my twenty minutes are up an we decide to walk around Paris until Alya's part time job is up.
Nino suggested we invite Marinette to and I regret happily accepting that idea because now that has given me less time to talk to Nino about my predicament.
"You okay dude? You seem awfully quiet." He pauses the music we've been listening to and I continue to ruminate on my thoughts.
"How do you know if you like someone for sure or just because you don't want to be single?"
Nino's eyes widen and a smile grows on his face. "Ah, I see. You're talking about Marinette aren't you?"
I feel heat rise to my face. " Ehy would you think that?"
Nino shakes his head and laughs. "A best friend can tell these things Adrien. I've seen how you look at Marinette and the way she lo- um..."
I turn to Nino and scrunch my brows. "Continue saying what you were saying..."
"'s's not really-"
"Um...well I was just saying that-"
"Nino! Adrien!" Alya runs up to us and I see Nino light up.
"Hey babe!" Nino plants a kiss on her cheek and Alya smiles.
"Marinette is gonna be here in about fifteen minutes because she's babysitting Manon. But knowing her it'll be more like a half hour." Alya laughs and then frowns. "Everything seems tense...y'all alright?"
Nino nods but I shake my head. And...I decide I'll just put it out in the open.
"You said you saw the way I look at Marinette, Nino. And then you continued you saw the way she...what? Looked at me?"
Alya's eyes widen and sh slaps Nino's arm. "Nino. What. Did. You. Tell. Adrien?"
"Nothing babe. It's what I ALMOST told him."
I sigh. "You almost told me you saw the way Marinette looked at me. What does that mean?" Alya and Nino both divert their eyes away from me and I frown. "What...does she..."
I slowly put the pieces together. I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out.
"Adrien you can't tell her that you know! Please..." Alya begs. "And then when she has the confidence to tell you let her down easy..."
I shake my head. " the...that's not...that's not what I intend to do you see I...I think I like her."
Alya and Nino's eyes widen. "Seriously?" They ask in unison.
I nod and sit down. "Yeah...I...I think so..." I shake my head again. "I...I hate seeing her with him and I think me likingbher is the only explanation of why..."
"Or the fact that you always look over at her when someone tells a joke to see if she's laughing. Or when sh s laughing you start to laugh. Or how you always seek her out in the courtyard before school to have your morning conversations. Or how on field trips you always sit with her and partner with her on them so you guys have to stay together the entire time. Or the time we put on Cinderella and you were prince charming and tried with all of your heart to convince Marinette to be Cinderella. Or-"
"Babe...I think he gets it..."
I shake my head, trying to wrap my mind around things. "I've...I'm too late though. That damn Izuku." I groan and put my head back on the bench.
"Don't stress Adrien. I'm team Adrienette all the way and besides Marinette has yet to tell me that she had feelings for Izuku. She would talk constantly about you. Today will be a great time to confessbyour feelings and start the chapter of something amazing-"
"Alya! Nino! Adrien! Hi!"
We look over to see Marinette running towards us dragging someone along.
And by dragging along I mean shes running.
With her hand.
In his.
Alya turns to me and Nino. "Well...things just got a bit more tricky."

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