chapter four : like little kids

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Words can't describe how much I wanted to dissolve into thin air right now, the two of us is sitting across each other while Mace stood in between us with her hands on her waist. It's like we're two kids who got into fight and refuse to make up. 

"trespassing!? why do you think I am able to enter this room without that card thingy!"

I raised my voice, while she was busy petting her dog obviously doesn't wanna hear anything I am trying to say. 

"she assaulted me.."

"no, in fact if you didn't opened the door I would've been dead."

I spread my legs apart while my arms meet my chest crossing them together.

"my mini taser isn't going to send you to a lifetime coma, just enough to keep your distance from me."

She grinned at me, I could feel my entire body heat up with anger as my hands turned into fists trembling on my seat. 


Mace sighed in frustration, at her age i don't think she didn't wanna deal with two adult girls who can't even say a proper word to each other.

"Are you two aware you'll be working with each other?"

We both looked into each other, our eyes widened in disbelief.

"Hailee, she's assigned exclusively by Timothee."

"And he didn't asked for my approval?!"

She snapped, taking her dog with her as she walks away to the other side of the room.


I mumbled.

"Okay, listen to me Charlie...we can't finish this orientation unless you and your boss figure this one out."

Mace started walking outside the hotel room door and shut it behind, i was going to ask her if i can go with her but she looked like she doesn't wanna be bothered anymore so i sat down quietly instead.

"Aren't you going to leave?"

Hailee, so that was her name.

"I was, but Mace said we have to talk since-"

She cut me off.

"I don't care, i wanna be alone in my hotel room."

I shrugged off before standing off the couch.

"Whatever you say, boss.."

My hand reached for the knob, my smile turned into a frown when i realized it was locked.

"Do you have a key?"

She started walking towards me with a confused look on her face, she tried doing the same thing but it won't open either.

"Mace locked us up, damn it!"

She stomped her feet, dialing her phone.


She raised her voice through her phone.

"Hailee, i know how stubborn you are and we can't have someone working with us if you and her are in bad terms, the word apology isn't hard to spit out you know."

I heard mace through the other line, i have to say, i thought i am the only one who has that problem with her.

"I am drawing the line, make sure you don't  come near me.."

the steinfeld effectTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon