chapter eight : bar and barge

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My fingers formed into a fist containing a knock from her door, i was hesitant but eventually i gave in for standing this long in front of her door.

"Okay let's just get this over with.."

I whispered to myself before knocking a few times, i could feel my stomach churning the moment I heard footsteps approaching to the door.

My head was low down, watching my sneakers make a sound echoing through the entire hallway of doors. Finally the door widely opened revealing Hailee, she looked like she was sleeping because she was rubbing her eyes intensely before finally looking at me with her full vision.

I don't think she's amused to see me in front of her door at this hour.

"What is it?"

Her white fitted cropped top exposing her stomach, i was caught myself loosing focus again.

"I just..can we talk?"

She rolled her eyes before opening the door fully letting me inside, her dog was on the couch watching tv and this time i am sure she was sleeping when i knocked.

Her sheets were down the floor and there were pillows.

"Talk about what, make it quick."

She came back with a glass of water in her hand, i had my hands rested on the top of my lap and i couldn't even say a word, it's like my tongue was being pushed backwards.

"Are you going to say it or not, or do i have to force it out of you."

Her hand went through her hair, i could hear my gulp clearly when she moved her hair to the side exposing her neck.


She raised her voice, i closed my eyes and started walking. I have no idea what i was doing nor where i was going but i just did what she said and i didn't even tried to argue with her.

How come it's that hard to apologize to her..

I sat down beside her door, leaning my back against the wall.

Was it even worth it calling off Timothee for something like this, it's not like she would care at all either.

I was about to go back to my room since it's almost 1am and i've been anxiously thinking whether i should come to her door and apologize, that's when the door slowly creaked open ajar. I thought she just left the door opened but she came out a few moments later all dressed up.

I failed flying the scene and her sharp brown eyes met me, a black suit hugging her fit body while a black laced bra with a strap wrapping around her stomach was visible when she started walking towards me. 

"stay quiet."

Without even letting me speak, she took my wrist and pulled it taking me behind her. I have no idea where she's taking me but I was surprised when she handed a black card to a guy behind an empty wall, i have to blink twice to check if my eyes were playing tricks on me because a secret door opened and she pulled me inside. 

It was loud and deafening, i can feel the music vibrating throughout my body. 

"I can't afford you telling Mace or anyone I come here, you understand? So just sit down and do your thing while I do mine."

She speak with authority and left me sitting in a stool chair behind a bartender, I was struck when she started clinging into this guy like she had done this before. I watch her take a drink from his hand as her arms slung around his neck. I couldn't even tell if she knew him but I am hoping she does. His hand then started snaking his hand down to her waist and she's just giving him consent. 

I caught her glancing at me, i don't know what she was doing but I could feel her intentions starting to seep through me like she knows what she's doing but here I am not having any idea if I supposed to feel this way. She's starting to drive me out of my mind the closer she pulls her body to him. 

Her thumb started running down his bottom lip, I watch her watch him get intoxicated by her effect. I was far behind from her but I could feel her strong aura and appeal. I had no choice but to turn my chair back to where the bartender was and got myself a drink. I was never a drinker but something's pushing me to take more than one, two, three, four...until I felt like my eyes were burning hot. My legs trembled but I stood up anyways. 

My head is still spinning but my eyes were pinned to where Hailee was, I wanted to come to her and take her with me while my adrenaline is still kicking my ass, I wanted to pull her out of this bar but there was still a little sanity left in me so I just watch her lips crash with strangers. 

"Ma'am are you okay?"

It was the bartender, i held myself up using my knees as my support and threw myself into one of the couches. My head's killing me and my stomach is turning around uncomfortably so I didn't waste any more time and started running towards the bathroom throwing up over and over again until my head fell down the toilet seat. 

I took my jean jacket off leaving me with a white strapped top, with all my left strength I stood back up and held into the door. I eyed her one more time before walking with full confidence, it was never my intention to embarrass her earlier but she's making it so hard for me to say a simple sorry to her, she keeps on making me feel things I never wanna feel because simply, she treat me like shit. 

"can we talk?"

My eyes drowsy, she finally take the chance to look at me even though she's taller than me I took all the courage to pull her out of that guy who looked like Vienn Diesel icks me, and the idea of her just switching to two guys in one night does the same effect to me as well.

"you don't twist my wrist like that."

she was obviously stronger than I am, her hand covering mine making me feel even more smaller than I already am.

"I told you to stay put, you're annoying me."

"No, you're annoying me.."

I switched my hand over hers now i am on my full strength dragging her at the corner of the bar, there were couple of eyes on us but i ignored them and continued dragging her.

"You're making it so difficult!"

I whined, she was just standing in front of me. I think it was obvious to her that i was already drunk.

"I just wanna apologize for ruining your interview but you're all...that."

I didn't realized my eyes fell and i gave up completely, i didn't know where I landed but i am sure it wasn't on the floor.

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