chapter twenty-one : the hidden side

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There were a few nights where I'd catch the lights on outside, her both feet deep down in the pool with a glass wine between her fingers. I'd watch her through the tinted windows of her own home and only the water running from the fountain being the only sound, sometimes I'd walk down to watch her but she seemed to like the idea of being alone so I always stop myself from walking towards her. 

My heart beats a few times everytime I dare to, and about to escape my chest when I felt I come close to her. 

Does she think about what happened between us? 

But now I had the courage, I stood up from my bed throwing the comforter to the side before walking down the stairs. As usual I found her sat down at the edge of the pool with another wine glass, she's been like this after that night. 

"you would like some company doing that.."

My hands behind my back, I looked down on my reflection in the water. 

"I don't.."

She trailed off, taking a drink from her glass. 

"why aren't you asleep yet, it's past 12am.."

Her presence around her own home become much more often as the days go by, and she always carries the contract paper around her whenever she leaves. I guess she really doesn't want me to know what's written, but I am positive tonight I'd be able to take it from her. 

"I can't sleep.."

I sat down right next to her, slowly moving my knees up to hug them together before using it to lay my head. 

"does it bother you?"

She pulled the paper behind her back.

"I can tell you what's inside this paper, but not right now."

I my eyebrows knitted together as I met her gaze.

"Do you trust me Charlie?"

Her eyes went low, looks like she wasn't sober enough to have a conversation with me, her voice spoke softly. 

"I know you don't, but can you just this once?"

I gasped when she suddenly grabbed the either side of my cheeks, squeezing them together. 

"o-of course, I do..."

She sighed before letting go of me.

"are you purposely getting drunk?"

I asked her, she suddenly fall her head back. Her neck exposed as she did, the feeling of butterflies invaded my stomach once again. 

"do you wanna drink with me?"

She tried to offer me her glass but I refused.

"I am not gonna kiss you don't worry.."

She scoffed. 

"unless you want me to.."

A smirk formed on her lips, I almost jumped on the water but luckily I was quick to come back. I breathed out before taking the glass of her hand, I didn't want her to get drunk again. I brought her several times already up in her room and I am not doing it again tonight. 

"I think it's enough for you.."

I drank the rest that was on her glass, taking the wine bottle with me. 

I felt like i lost track of what I was supposed to do, why I came down here, seems like she became my priority alone and not the paper she was holding. But it made me think twice, she looks like she's thinking a lot of things and she told me she want to tell me what's inside the paper. 

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