chapter fifteen : her jersey

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I've been struggling to put on this cropped top shirt, but I have no choice but to wear it since I haven't done a single laundry back at Timothee's house, I didn't know why I still have this though I brought this when I was in my freshman years.

"are you done yet there Charlie?"

Mace knocked in the bathroom door, I groaned and just pulled the tight fabric down and ignored the uncomfortable feeling. I could barely close the zipper at the back, but I came out anyways looking the same just even more uncomfortable than I was when I came in.

"That dress goes for today's interview and the casual ones goes to that bag."

Mace picked up a new batch of clothes from the room, she told me each one should be arranged according for today's events. I gave her a nod before rushing to the room packing everything up because we will be on the road again in the next few minutes. It was past 6am and everyone is getting all worked up while Hailee is in the other room fixing herself for an interview today.

She was getting a little bit more busy, and from the schedule that was sent to me. She's occupied the entire day for today until 10pm tonight.

The moment I finished folding the last piece of clothes, I went to Hailee's room to hand her over her clothes. I hung it on the hangers displayed right next to me earlier, just I was about to call her name she popped out behind me with a coffee on her hand.

"I am sorry i came in without knocking, here are your clothes for today."

I specifically picked her clothes according to the theme of her today's interview, she said to play a few games and answer a few questions.

"aren't you coming in?"

She took a sip from her coffee while pulling her beanie a little more at the back, I am glad she did because it gave me access to see her eyes.

"o-of course.."

I hummed and nod my head before walking in, It suddenly felt awkward when all I can hear is her footsteps coming in.

I extended my arms and handed her over her clothes, she took them without saying anything before going in the bathroom to change. She came out just the way I wanted the dress for her to fit, just effortlessly good as always.

Her clothes weren't fully perfect without the adjustments, so I tried to reach her collar tip toeing to reach her tall height. I can hear her breathing just next to my neck and It's sending shivers all over my body, her cologne makes her smell the way she does, just a perfect mix of manly sweet vanilla.

I went to her chest to fix the small details of the dress, while twisting the design in their proper places, I happened to go down her right chest where the design leads. As I was twisting them just like the rest, my hand could feel her heart beating so fast just like mine, I thought I was just feeling the same all over my body so I unconsciously placed my hand over her beating chest to see.

I was snapped out finally when I felt her hand grasped mine, I backed up a little bit apologizing for my action, but instead of getting the usual scolding, she ignored me again just like yesterday. I just couldn't be around her if she wouldn't talk to me, even though I want her to stop bothering me and being the mean she is, I wouldn't want her to shut me out so suddenly.

"are you mad at me?"

My fingers curled up into fists, I hide them behind me.

"no, why would I be?"

"because you haven't talked to me since yesterday, and I wanna know what's wrong and if it's about our argument yesterday then I am sorry for pushing you into telli-"

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