chapter five : under the morning rain

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"earth to Charlie??"

I was chewing my food as slow as i can possibly, not noticing i've been staring at the wall for the past 2 minutes and Timothee has been calling more for some quiet time now.

"Seriously, like ever since you got back here you've been staring at the ornaments and walls around here."

I took my fingers to my forehead's temple as i rub them in circular motion, the sighed of frustration hit me when I realize i have to start making the most of it at this huge house since i'd be moving to Ms. Psycho's in the next few days.

"How was the orientation? Did Mace oriented you properly?"

I just nod my head, i wouldn't even dare to tell him how his artist is insane and almost tased me yesterday inside the hotel room.

"Good to hear, here's the documents you needed by the way.."

I extended my hand to reach the documents, my eyes scanned the papers before looking back at him. 

"I appreciate these a lot, thank you for making me stay but i feel like i should make the most of it here.."

He nod at me.

"You wanna go out for a dinner tomorrow night before you move out?"

I had to think for a moment, but the obviously my answer would be yes.

The two of us separated once again when it was time for dinner, he was out again while i had his whole house to myself again. I took the minute to sit down in this huge bed while staring at the ceiling.

Mace already gave me Hailee's social medias and a tour inside her closet, which ones is separated from press interviews, tours, filming and her casual clothes. She told me my job is important when she comes out and comes in her events.

I got a few shots of my paparazzi pictures, and she was undeniably effortlessly beautiful. Everyone can say that, and nobody can deny either.

Maybe i'd like her even more of she didn't broke my camera and apologized for it, but that separates her personality from what she is in her interviews, she was extremely bubbly and gentle in these.

My hands gripping my phone as i watch her interviews, she's surprisingly intelligent and kind in her words, but far from who she is. At least for now i can tell, but she convinced me of that idea of her.


I went through her instagram, that's quiet the number.

Her own style was most street, she probably like the comfort of it and i don't blame her. But i noticed how every color compliments her and it's impressive how she was able to pull off anything.

♡ 2,567,890

My eyes landed on this picture, turns out she was an ambassador of this brand. A lot actually, which impressed me since she got a lot of time and effort in her hands.

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