chapter twenty : eyes never lies

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My god...

I washed myself and finally got ready for bed, just in my surprise to see a bathroom existing inside the guest room. I have to walk a few steps down to get into the main bathroom but she didn't mentioned anything about this room having a bathroom anyways.

There was a tiny switch above my headboard so I tried to see what will happen if I click it, hopefully not some wall opening and I was beaming with a smile when the ceiling turned into a starry night.

My had rested into one of the pillows as I hugged it tightly close to my chest, there was a sudden barking outside so I came to check if Martini was doing just fine and she was. She must've sensed someone, the gate also opened, behind the gate was Hailee and..


What is he doing here?

The two of them stood in front of each other, I couldn't read their lips but I did tried my best to read it but I failed. The window is tinted outside so I positioned myself better to get a better view.

I finally gave up after a few minutes, there was nothing for me to eavesdrop, maybe they were just talking about something important. But it got personal when Hailee grabbed Timothee's collar out of nowhere, my eyes widened and my left foot slipped to where I was kneeling from.

There was a loud sound, the box fell down along was a bunch of papers that scattered all around the marbled floor. It was dark for me to see what was written so I reached for the light switch for the main lights.

I arranged the papers properly based on the number written under it, there was a bunch of words but what caught my eyes the first few sentences of the papers.

A contract paper?

Just like the one Hailee gave me when she accidentally broke my camera, so I scanned the paper and sat down at the edge of my bed. My eyebrows all scrunched up as I looked each paper with confusion.

At the end of the paper, was signature of her and Timothee. I gulped and my heart started racing when I got back in the front page. Half way through reading the paper, i wasn't able I wasn't able to comprehend what the paper was trying to say so I wanna go deep further into the few pages but the door suddenly opened wide.

"What are you doing?"

Hailee sprinted towards me taking the papers out of my hand, I quickly stood up and went towards her to grab the paper.

"What's going on, why do you have an agreement paper with Timothee and why did you tried to punch him outside?"

She was standing tall infront of me, the paper is raised up in the air with her left hand. Meanwhile her breathing got heavy as silence wrapped us both.

"Are you just going to stand in front of me and not say anything?"

I got brave, i knew there was something in that paper that she doesn't want me to know. Her eyes are lying I could tell, but she was trying to hide it with her glares.

"Tell you what? You were sneaking in a conversation you shouldn't be eavesdropping at."

She spoke nonchalantly before folding the paper tucking it inside her hoodie, I eyed on it.

"I wasn't eavesdropping, i didn't heard anything and I was asking you why did you grabbed Timmy?!"

I raised my voice, she likes to turn things around, just like how she kissed me earlier. I wanted to ignore it but I can't, but I had no choice because my tongue always slips out whenever she starts talking to me.

Always leaving me dumbfounded.

"I can't tell you that, and why are you digging into my things without my permission?"

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