chapter twenty - two : her touch

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I wiped the beads of sweat on my forehead using the back of my hand, the weather was starting to get a bit hot and cleaning her house is starting to take me forever. I haven't even made it halfway through and my body is already aching.

Maybe staying here alone really feels horrible, now I understand why she would rather stay in her apartment than to go home in this huge empty house.

The view was great since the house stood by a cliff hill, it was quiet and I could only hear the birds chirping in the morning and the crickets at night. But the silence sometimes drives me insane, and the feeling of being able to walk around in a different place.

I tried to gather signal the past few days but it was hopeless, but I always wonder why Hailee was able to make phone calls meanwhile I couldn't.

My hair was tossed in a messy bun while I wear a white tank top and a denim shorts that's reaches up to my thighs.

Since last night she hasn't come home, so when I heard a car rolling in the drive way I immediately dropped the vacuum cleaner and sprinted to the door peeking, the front seat opened revealing Hailee.

Her eyes were heavy, a coat was over her shoulder before walking pass by me. It's like she didn't see me at all.

"D-do you wanna eat?"

I pressed my palms together following her, she sat down on the couch before rubbing her temples.

"I am okay, just leave me alone for a moment okay?"

She spoke, looks like she wasn't feeling well. Her eyebrows upwards as she closed her eyes with both of her hands rested on top of her stomach and her cheeks are bright red.

She looked sick.

"Damn it, it's probably because she hasn't slept properly.."

I mumbled to myself before sitting beside her, my hand hovered above her angelic face as I observe her, my hand was shaking as I was hesitant to press my hand against her cheeks.

my stomach and heart are both going insane as my hand got nearer, it was the fact that I wanted to feel her against me again just like what happened to us over a week ago.


I flinched moving my hand away from her burning cheeks, seething my teeth.

"Hailee, you're burning up..."

I calmly told her, but I was panicking when she wasn't responding so my shaking hand slowly took off the coat that was on her shoulder and threw it to the other side of the couch.

My fingers moved her hair behind her ear, I couldn't help but to stole a few glances at her.

I quickly ran to the bathroom to get a basin filled with water and a clean cloth before grabbing a few ice from the freezer, I dripped the cloth in the water filled with water and ice and gently damp it all over her face.

Breath of relief escaped my lips when she started responding with groans, she's probably in pain right now and her body looked so stiff.

"You're sick..."

I mumbled, she slowly opened her eyes to look at me. Her eyelashes flickered a few times before placing her hand over mine that was busy moving the cold compress all over her face.

"I-i think i can do this by myself..."

Her voice rasped and weak as she tried to take the cloth away from me, but I didn't let her and instead I positioned myself over her, hovering above her lap.

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