Chapter 15: Praise the king!

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After awkwardly staying cooped up in the medical bay for the rest of the day I was finally let out at about 6 pm. Under one sad condition though... 

Ozpin: "It seems that you healed up well." The older gentleman said sipping at his coffee cup. 

Currently, both of us were just walking through Beacon. Most students were either in their rooms or clearing the way as soon as we walked past due to Ozpin. 

I swear did he ever run out of coffee for that cup? I'd always seen him holding it in any photos. 

Y/n: "I did. Luckily I didn't get hit that much." I said with a nod. 

Ozpin: "Indeed. And it seems your shoulder healed faster than I would have originally thought. It seems you are not only talented but resilient." He said with a chuckle. 

Honestly, I saw right through him. He was trying to shamelessly compliment me. 

There was one issue though. 

It was working. After being weak for so long just being told I was doing a good job made me feel incredibly happy. 

Y/n: "Well I just got lucky is all. But there is the issue about my weapons now... Do you know what I should do about them?"

Ozpin: "Ah yes. I see. I could get you some time to make yourself some fresh weapons if you want. When I was reading a report on you I saw you started helping in the forges at Signal. Would that be okay with you?" He offered as he turned towards me.

Y/n: "That will do great. I have a few ideas for a new pair of armor as well. Though how long will it take you to get me the rights to use a forge?"

Ozpin: "You are talking to the headmaster of Beacon academy. Give me an hour at minimum. You're welcome to stay in your room till then."

Y/n: "Well where's my room? I'd like you to show me to it first-"

Ozpin: "Right beside us. I was leading you here after all." He said gesturing to the door on his left. 

Y/n: "Yes sir. Thanks for that." I said with a  quick bow. 

With that, he left quietly as I finally got the chance to do something I'd been meaning to for a while now. 

Use the rewards from the last quest I got. A gift from one of the figures that was helping me. And an S rank skill crystal. So I walked into the room glancing around briefly. I was expecting to just see my luggage neatly to the side. But to my surprise, it was already set up and everything. 

A few posters of random bands or singers. And that was really all I brought with me besides clothes. I was lazy both in and out of my room at Signal. 

But still I just went to the bed going to it and flopping down letting out a sigh. 

Y/n: "Open inventory. Summon S Rank Skill crystal."

This time instead of just a small crystal that was smaller then my hand one that was now bigger then both of them together was summoned. 

This was a prediciment... Which of my skills should I upgrade with this? That was a very good question... Wait. What if I got a skill through the other reward? I should save this crystal then... 

So gently set it down before clearing my throat. 

Y/n: "I want to get a wish from the King shrouded in gold." I said. 

This was honestly a very hard choice to make. Now it was tempting to choose the Saphire knight. But there were two main reasons why I chose the king. 

First off are the fact he gave me so many more skills so far. There was the Gate, Golden riches, And charisma all there. And next was the fact that I just felt a bit greedy. 

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