Chapter 2 -Sincere

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I woke up to see that the sun had se.I looked at my phone and saw that it was 7:38pm I decided to get up and get something to eat. I opened both the fridge and the freezer only to see tht everything in there was time consuming so I decided on ordering out. after I ordered my food I decided to kill time I went to go get dress. As I hop out the shower I heard banging on my door.

"Shit" I threw sum basketball shorts on and ran to the door.

I opened it to an angry chinese man.

"My fault? I replied

"Thats ok." he said

I paid the man grabbed my food and closed the door. I got ready to eat when my phone rings."

"UGGGHHH!!!!!!" I yelled

I grabbed the phone.

"Hello" I answered rudely

"Don't be get nasty with me." The female voice said.

"Sorry mom I was just about to eat that's all." I said

"Oh sorry to interrupt you." she said

"No your fine, what's up?" I asked

"Oh nothing just calling to check on you."

"Ok well I'm doing ok can't complain." I said  

"Oh ok. Are you still working?" she asked with concern

"Yes mom I am. I told you I'm not going back to that. I lost five years and the love of my life behind that shit I'm done."I 

"Oh baby if it's meant for you and Addi to be together the good lord will make it happen." she said

I sighed

"Yea I know. Have You heard from her?"I asked

"I talked to her last week but just briefly she was at work."



"I apologize. I didn't mean to yell."

"Its okay but I didn't tell you because I was asked not to."

"But you just told m." I said confused

"Only because you asked. I told her I wouldn't tell but if you asked I wouldn't lie either."

"Ok" I said defeated

"Sincere its going to be ok. Just give it to God."

"Yes ma'am

"Well i will let you finish eating. Please don't be a stranger. Come by and see me."she said

"Ok mom I will promise."

After hanging up with my mom I didn't even feel like eating anymore. So I put my food up turned on my t.v to the music channel and went to go find something to wear. 

I went in the bathroom to do my grooming. Got dressed i turned to look at the clock to see that it was only 9:30 I decided to just go meet Taz at his house.

Sincere's outfit is on the side>>.

Along with some music to listen to while reading......COMMENT ...VOTE!!!!!! THANK YOU

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