Chapter 8

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I was surprised when Gia called me in the middle of the day. I really wasn't expecting to hear from her until after she got off work. She asked me to join her for dinner at her place; she promised to cook something healthy for me.

I laughed and agreed to join her. Minutes after I ended the call with her another call came through. It was my father. I hadn't talk to him in about a year or so and I wondered how he had even gotten my number.

"Yeah?" I decided to answer the call against my better judgement.

"Hi son, it's been a while." my father stated softly. "How have you been?"

"How did you get my number Jack?" I ask in an irritated tone. I didn't feel like playing catch up with him.

"Charlie. I called down to the farm and she's been telling me you've been doing a real good job down there. I appreciate all the work you're doing."

"The work you should be doing. You're making money off hard labor that you won't even lift a finger to do!" I scream at him.

"Okay, okay. I deserve that but son I really want to talk with you in person. Can we go out to dinner? My treat."

I pinch the bridge of my nose. "I have plans tonight with my..."

Wait, what was Gia to me. My girlfriend? Someone that I'm seeing?

"Quentin please. What I have to say to you is important but I can't do it over the phone."

I let out a frustrated sigh. "Fine. But it will have to be an early dinner."

I hang up and dial Gia's phone.


I am just about finished with my work when my cell rings. I see Quen is calling. Just seeing his name brings a smile to my face.

"Hey there." I answer his call.

"Hey, look uh, my dad wants to take me to dinner. I'm not cancelling with you but I just called to tell you to cook something light."

I am happy he isn't cancelling because that's what I thought the second he told me his plans with his dad.

"Okay. I guess I'll see you around seven?"

"No, I'll be there around eight-thirty. Is that okay?" he asks me.

"Yeah, I'll see you then."

We hang up and I notice it's a quarter after three. I've got about two hours left in my day.

Those two hours went by uneventful and I rush out of the office at five, waving good-bye to Natalie on my way to the elevator.

As soon as I get home I change out of my clothes into something comfortable. I head to the kitchen to decide what to cook but I know I won't cook right away since Quen isn't due for another three hours.


I sat across from my father at his favorite restaurant and wondered what he had to tell me. The last time I saw and spoke to him he was running off with one of my exes. He stopped working on the farm but he kept collecting the checks.

I noticed he let his hair grow back out and I saw a few gray strands in his brown locks. He looks at me staring at him and offers me a smile.

"It's so good to see you."

"How's Vanessa?" I ask referring to the ex he ran off with,

He frowns then waves as if she meant nothing to him. "She left me a while back but that's water under the bridge."

I grab my glass which is full of water and take a sip from it. "What was so important you had to meet me tonight?" I ponder.

"Well, son I have a confession. Vanessa wanted me to get her a new car and of course I didn't have the money for it so I took out a loan. She left me as soon as she got the car and I defaulted on that loan. I put the farm up for collateral and now I've got seventy days to pay back twenty-five thousand dollars or the bank will own the farm."

I feel anger rising through my body as the words leave his lips. How could he do something like this?!

"I'll write you a check, but know this: you just lost your son for good this time." I spit and get ready to stand.

My dad reaches across the table and places his hand on mine to stop me.

"You have that kind of money?"

I growl. "Not that it's any of your business but I happen to be smart when it comes to my finances. And I'm not going to let your dumb mistake cost the family the one thing that's kept us together the last century."

My dad nods but he looks like he's got something else to say.

"Quentin, I appreciate you willing to bail me out but it's not necessary. I paid the bank a few moments before I called you."

"How did you get the money?"

"Listen, do you know a woman named Gia?"

At hearing her name, I froze. What the fuck did she have to do with this?

"Well, apparently you're seeing someone's girlfriend. Her boyfriend who works for King, Lyons and Miller gave me the money so long as I can convince you to end things with this woman. Son, you shouldn't even be involved with a cheater like her anyway."

I laugh, loudly. "Isn't this a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black. You've got some nerve. And I can't believe you took the money on that basis. My personal life is none of your concern and you have no idea about Gia's situation."

"I was desperate son but the farm is free and clear now."

"And if I don't stay away from Gia? What, Michael will own the farm?"

"You know the guy?" my father asks while sitting back in his chair.

"Yeah, he's married and Gia was his mistress and after he ended it, she decided to move on with me which he wasn't too pleased about. Just so you know I'm not going to stop seeing her and you just took that money for nothing. You just lost your son for NOTHING."

I don't let him stop me as I push away from the table and leave the restaurant. I get into my truck and bang on the steering wheel. That Michael was a piece of fucking work! I started the engine and headed for Gia's place.


I started cooking at seven o'clock and minutes after I put the whiting fish in the oven my doorbell rang. I head to the door and open it without checking to see who was on the other end because I assumed it was Quen. But no, it was Michael.

"Can I come in baby doll?" he asks with a large smile and a wrapped gift in his hands.

"Michael, why can't you just leave me alone?" I whine and prepare to close the door.

He blocks my action and moves inside my home, moving like a ninja. I turn to face him and point to the outside.

"Will you leave please?"

"Not until you hear me out Gia." he states and takes a seat on my couch.

I fold my arms across my chest.

"Gia, I love you okay. I realized it now. You're the woman I was meant to spend the rest of my life with, not Paula. I am so sorry for marrying her, for getting her pregnant. I should have been all that with you. I am begging for your forgiveness and if you take me back I will divorce Paula and it will be me and you."

He actually has tears in his eyes as he tells me this. Should I believe him?

"Don't believe him Gia."

I turn at the sound of Quen's voice and I see he isn't looking at me. He is looking right at Michael and the look on his face, I can only describe as pure hatred. He walked inside and I didn't know if he was going to start a fight.

What the hell was going on? I ponder as I look between Quen and Michael.

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