The end of an era.

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Hello, readers (if ya'll are even still here). It's me, Stroobooree. Years ago, I started this "fanfiction" back when I was a Cuphead FANATIC and a TOTAL King Dice simp. As I look back on it now it's... well, it's cringe. Very cringe. It's one of the worst and most embarrassing thing I've ever allowed to be public. With that being said- if anyone is interested- I may just re-write it! Entirely! Because why not!!!!

I've grown a lot as a writer and an artist since I started this. I considered deleting it due to the absolute embarrassment I feel just LOOKING at it, but instead I'm choosing to keep all the chapters public- even if I hate it with every cell in my body. It's a part of my history. Even if I don't like my past, I'm not a fan of simply erasing it. These chapters were a staple of a very important time in my life- one full of wonder and creativity. This fanfic was my everything back then, and I can't bring myself to kill it off.

With the minor popularity I've gained on TikTok, I figured- "why the heck not entertain the crowd?" Also, with the release of the Cuphead Show, I immediately fell back into my hyperfixation and KNEW it was time to bring back Cannikin.

So, In conclusion, I'll be publishing an entirely SEPARATE story- a "remastered" version of this story, if you will. Keep in mind I'm not a professional writer. I will make mistakes, I don't have a solid schedule for when chapters will be released, and I'm mostly just doing this for fun. Don't take it too seriously.

With all that being said, I hope you guys stick around for the ride. Let's look back on these chapters together, no matter how GOD AWFUL they are, and look ahead. Things can only go up from here.

Buh-bye for now~!

-Your friendly neighborhood cartoon strawberry,
Stroobooree 🍓

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2022 ⏰

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