Chapter Ten- Training

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Now go!

Absolute chaos erupted around me as the fight began. My vision became blurry as I dodged past gigantic falling poker chips and bombs with bat wings. That's all I could do- dodge, and try to stay alive. Crazed laughter echoed through the stadium. Everything was going too fast, it was hard to focus. The energy in my left hand was still very much there, I just didn't know how to use it.

Until finally, I got hit. Something- I wasn't quite sure what- whizzed towards me and flew into my chest. Eyes shut tightly, I fell onto my back and clenched my teeth in pain. The sound of breaking glass could be heard as the back of my head crashed onto the ground. Feeling dizzy and my vision foggy, I remained sprawled on the ground, unable to move due to the pain. I heard the faint sound of The Devil's laughter along with his sleazy minions. Muffled by their laughter, I heard Dice speak- "Cannikin! Get up! Keep going! Don't give up you hear me?





I woke up curled up in my blankets as beams of light dripped into the bedroom. Slowly but surely, I awoke from my dream state and sat up sluggishly. I heard birds chirp outside my window and the soft snores of my brothers in their beds. I stared outside my bedside window, drifting off into space. I eventually blinked my way out of it and quietly got out of bed. I tip-toed over to Cuphead's bed and took him awake. "Cuphead!" I whisper-shouted as I continued shaking him. He woke up and turned to me groaning, eyes half-closed. Cuphead's complaining had woken up Mugman. They both sat up sleepily and looked at me.

"What is it, Cannikin?" Said Mugman, quietly.

I put my hands on my hips and went into my "sassy stance" as I usually did. "It's time to get up ya idiots!" I whispered. "Let's go get Elder Kettle."

They both got up in agreement. I opened the bedroom door and walked into the kitchen while Cuphead and Mugman got ready. I was about to grab some food from the fridge when I noticed Elder Kettle outside the window, sitting on his rocking chair on the porch, swinging back and forth slowly. His eyes were closed and his breathing was slow. Elder Kettle had always enjoyed sitting outside and enjoying the peace of  Inkwell Isle. At least, he enjoyed it as much as he could before my younger brothers began running around in the yard disturbing the peace. He didn't seem to mind though. "Boys will be boys" as he used to say. I decided I'd eat later. I went to the back door, opened it, and stepped outside. Elder Kettle opened his eyes and noticed me.

"Good mornin' Cannikin." He greeted. "Where are the boys?"

"Good mornin' to you too, Elder Kettle. They'll be out soon." I replied, sitting down on the porch.
 From the porch, and peeking through the trees, you could get a perfect view of the vast ocean that surrounded all of Inkwell Isle. We sat silently staring at that beautiful ocean and listening to the sound of chirping birds. After a few minutes of silence, Elder Kettle turned to me and spoke.

"Cannikin," He said. "You know of the Devil's Casino, correct?"

I nodded. "You talk about it quite often."

"Do you know why I talk about it so much?" He said.

"So me and my brothers never go there, I know, I know. It's very dangerous and all that..."

"Correct." Said Elder Kettle. "I just like to remind you so you never forget." He paused for a moment. "I would blame myself if anything happened to you."

Not knowing how to reply, I thought on that statement. Elder Kettle... he would be miserable if I wasn't here? I mean, I haven't lived here for long. Only about a year. Then again... he is like a father to me.

Elder Kettle continued. "Listen, Cannikin," He said. "I know you're young, and I probably shouldn't be giving this to you yet, but I think you are mature and strong enough to handle it." He opened a small satchel sitting next to him and pulled out a small potion bottle half full of a teal-green liquid. It was contained inside the bottle with a round cork. Elder Kettle lifted it up, examined it in the sunlight, then presented me with it. "Take this."

I held it with both hands and swirled the liquid around. "What's this for?" I asked.

"It will give you the most remarkable magical abilities. Drink it, and whenever you find yourself in a bit of trouble, you'll have something to protect yourself with." He said. "Go on, try it. Then I'll teach you how to use your new powers."

I held the bottle tightly in my hand and tugged off the cork. I sniffed the inside of the bottle. It smelled sweet, Therefore I completely and absolutely trusted it. I pressed the bottle against my lips and lifted my head back, chugging it down. I lifted my head back up and handed the now empty bottle back to Elder Kettle.

"Good." Said Elder Kettle. "Do you feel any different?"

"A little." I replied. "My... my hand feels all tingly..." I lifted up my left hand. My pointer finger had a faint blue glow on the end of it. I gave Elder Kettle a worried look.

"That's perfectly normal, no need to worry." He reassured me. "Now, make your hand into a gun shape and point it at that tree- right there." Elder Kettle pointed at a tree a few feet in front of me. I aimed my finger-gun at the tree. "Now what?" I said.

"Now focus on the tree. It'll happen, just wait. Focus hard, now."

I cleared my mind of everything else except the tree. It was a tall, healthy oak tree. It had been climbed on (and fallen off of) multiple times by me and my brothers.

Suddenly, moments later, a ball of blue light appeared just in front of  my pointer finger and shot  forward, burning a hole straight through the tree. I sat there in absolute shock, before turning to Elder Kettle and grinning at him in amazement. He let out a chuckle and placed his hand on my shoulder. "Now don't go shootin' that around all willy-nilly ya here? And don't shoot your bothers with it either!" He said cheerfully.

"Yes Elder Kettle!" I said, a wide smile across my face. "I'll use it for defense only!"

"That's my girl." He happily replied, lifting me to my feet and hugging me tight.

"Your a strong young girl, Cannikin.

Just like...

your.. mo..."


My eyes opened and sat up quickly, suddenly remembering the task at hand.

I stood up and faced the devil with confidence, he grinned at me, and in a booming voice he spoke, "I see you're awake once more, Cannikin. And I was starting to get bored."

"Oh don't worry, Devil." I said, pointing my finger gun towards his head. "I know exactly what I'm doing."

And with those final words, I took the shot.

Cannikin (Cuphead OC) [SCRAPPED]Where stories live. Discover now