Chapter Eight- It All Pays Off

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I've had five cups of coffee today to try to get me energized. I should regret staying up so late, but I don't. Who would complain about that when you spent all night with someone you love?

But I have to admit, it was really hard for me to pay attention. I got yelled at by the Devil a few times for giving a few people the wrong drinks. I need to get my head together...

I was cleaning dishes (again) when I heard a voice from behind me. "Good mornin' beautiful." Beautiful? Maybe it was Dice... no, this dude was too western. I turned around, It was Chips. Darn it, not him again. He was leaning against the wall, his hat partially covering his eyes, but he lifted it up and tipped it when he saw me.

"What do you want?" I said, irritated.

"Dice is out shopping, so I thought I'd-"

"Take his place?" I said. "Yeah, right. Get outta here, Bettigan"

I was already exhausted. I didn't need him to poke me around.

He walked towards me an stood next to me, watching every movement I made. He smiled. I hate it when he smiles. I hate him. I just hate him.

"You sure are lookin' mighty fine today..." He said.

I stopped what I was doing and looked up at him, angry. "I swear, if you say another word about how I look, I'm gonna-"

At that moment, he leaned in and kissed me passionately. His breath smelled of alcohol. I quickly and forcefully shoved him away from me. "What is wrong with you!?" I barked. The liquid in my head instantly boiled over. He noticed and laughed.

"Aw, Cannikin, its so cute when ya do that..."

I growled. I grabbed a pan from the bottom cupboard and held it up, ready to hit him across the head with it. He held his hands up. "Woah, woah, calm down toots..." Said Chips, he's scared. I can tell.

"Don't 'Toots' me Bettigan. I'm sick and tired of your attempts at seducing me. If you think you're gonna win me over, you've been chugging bottles of moonshine. Back. Off."

Chips put his hands down, sighed, and shook his head. "Fine." He said. "I'll find someone better anyways. See ya later..." He opened the door to leave. "...toots." Then he left.

I put the pan down. "Finally." I said.

I continued washing the dishes.

About two hours later, Dice came back from shopping. He walked through the doors with grocery bags in his arms and walked towards the kitchen, where I was still scrubbing piles of dishes.

"Hello, Cannikin!" He said, smiling.

"Hey, Dice." I said. "Did you get anything for me?" I said sarcastically. At that moment, he handed me a Toasted Almond Milk Mars Bar. "Yes. I did." He said.

I took it from him, looked at it, and looked at him. "Wow... thank you, Dice." I said, blushing.

For the rest of the day until 10:45 at night, Dice helped me with the dishes. Finally, they were finished. Nice, clean dishes, all that work was gonna go to waste soon when those idiots completely mess them up.

Suddenly, I heard the Casino doors open. Dice quickly sprinted to the kitchen door, opened, and looked out into the main room. His face went whiter than it's usual white. "Cannikin, stay here." He said in a serious tone. His personality completely flipped from happy-bubbly, to serious and scared. I was scared too, mostly because I didn't know what was going on. Intruders, maybe? No, if someone was breaking in they'd be dead already. I heard new voices and booming laughter from the main room. It wasn't a stranger, everyone there seemed to know them. I heard Dice speaking. "Hot dawg!" He said. "These fellas can't lose!"

They were betting. With who? I had to check. I crouched down and opened the door a little, just so I could see into the main room. Everyone was huddled around a gambling table. Dice, a few skeletons...

...and two young cups. Why do they look so... familiar... and why are they here?

The Devil walked out of his office and towards the table. "Nice run, boys." He said in his booming voice. "Now, how 'bout we raise the stakes?" He suggested with a toothy grin.

The cups, one of them, confident looking and in an outfit of red, looked confident and ready to win. The other one, in an outfit of blue, looked terrified at the sight of The Devil, at the sight of everything. He didn't want to be there. The red cup must have dragged him here.

Devil held a pair of dice in his hands and showed them to the cups. "Win one more roll," he said. "and all the loot in the Casino is yours! But if you lose, I'll have your souls! Deal?"

The red cup grabbed the dice from The Devils hands, he was blinded by riches. "Deal!" The young cup said. The blue cup, on the other hand, was having a panic attack.

These cups... I know them. But from where? I should know them. I should.

"Good gosh, Cuphead, no!" The blue cup yelled in fear to the red cup.

Cuphead... oh my god...

Everything was blurry. Tears filled my eyes. I was shocked, I was scared, I didn't... I couldn't...I was on the brink of fainting.

It's Cuphead and Mugman, my brothers. My brothers that I haven't seen in 15 years. They're here. They're alive!

But it's not going to be that way for long.

Cuphead rolled the dice. I heard them clack onto the table. For a few seconds, there was nothing but silence. The Devil slammed his hand onto the table, the entire room shook. "Snake eyes!" He yelled.

"No!!!" I screamed, instinctively, jolting up and stepping into the main room. It was like I had no control. Everyone at the table stared at me. The Devil was clearly furious. I made a mistake... a big one.

The cups stared at me, the sight of them almost made me burst out into tears, so I looked away. I shot a mean look at the Devil. "I..." I swallowed. "G-give them... give them another chance!" I yelled. "Y-y-ya... ya know what?" I stomped to the table. "I'll play too! If... if I lose, you can take their souls! If I win, you can let them go!"

The cups gasped. "Oh, thank you ma'am!" Said Mugman in a soft voice. I looked down at him, he's grown so much... no, I don't have time to cry. I don't have time to hug him. I need to win this. For them.

Even if it kills me.

Cannikin (Cuphead OC) [SCRAPPED]Where stories live. Discover now