Chapter One- Sneaking Into The Casino

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As the cold wind outside blew across my face, I found myself in a situation that was an easy solve.

For me, at least.

Being the adventurous spirit I am, I can get into a lot of trouble sometimes. Like that one time I decided to jump off of Elder Kettle's roof for no reason in particular. And that's how I got a giant crack across my face.

This adventure and particular was either going to be the worst or best adventure of my life.

Sneaking into the casino. Why? Reasons. Figured it'd be cool to sneak in there and steal something small to show to everyone.

The huge building loomed over me, the bright lights where still glowing though it was late at night. The only visible way in was through the front door, but that wasn't challenging enough. And obviously, I would get caught pretty quick.

I walked to the other side of the Casino, searching for another way in. Maybe a vent? A window? Anything? Nope. Maybe there was a way to get on the roof.

I looked around some more, avoiding the back of the Casino. Not because I was scared- I was just... OK, I was a little worried. But I went over there eventually.

As I walked towards the back of the Casino, I saw something I didn't expect to see.

King Dice, leaning against the wall, cigar hanging out of his mouth. I froze, staring at him from around the corner.

"Oh geez..." I thought. "What is HE doing here?!"

He took out the cigar and blew a puff of smoke into the air. But something about him seemed... off. Scratch that- something about ME seemed off. What was it about this man that I found so interesting? But I didn't have time to stand there and wonder.

I turned around, but before I could take my first few steps away from King Dice, I idiotically misplaced my foot, causing me to slip and fall loud enough for King Dice to hear.

"Who's there?!" I heard him bark.

I got up and tried to sprint away, but he had swiftly grabbed my arm before I could escape.

"Ah..." He said with a mischievous grin. "You're trying to sneak into the casino aren't you?"

I tired to pull arm away, but his grip was too tight "Let go of me!" I shouted.

King Dice grabbed my other arm and held both of them behind my back. "You can't escape now, brat!" He said. "I'm takin' you to the boss!"

He dragged me around to the front of the Casino and swung open the doors. The smell of smoke and alcohol filled the Casino, with sounds of chatting and laughter through the entire building. There where so many staring people and moving objects, I didn't know where to look. I was terrified of the punishment that awaited me, for it could've been anything. I could've been sent straight to hell for all I know (not like I was already in it).

King Dice threw me in front of the boss's feet, The Devil himself.

I stared up at him, he scowled at me.

"I remember you..." He said. "You're Cannikin right? The one who ABANDONED her own brothers, and at such a young age..."

I didn't reply. For once in my life, I couldn't make a sly remark.

My adventurous spirit finally left me that day.

Now, in a way, I did go to hell.

And lived there.

I now work at the Casino, and sleep in the basement when everyone leaves. IF they leave.

I clean, I serve drinks, and pretty much do whatever The Devil wants me to. I'm not allowed to leave.

The Devil's words are now stuck with me for the rest of my life. "The one who abandoned her own brothers..."

If I had stayed with them... would I still be in this mess?


I sure do miss them.

Maybe I'll escape one day.

Cannikin (Cuphead OC) [SCRAPPED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin