Chapter Five- Good Morning

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I got out of bed early today (Lord knows why). I'll admit it when I say, I wanted to see if Dice was up and working yet. But today I felt... different. Not my usual tired, grumpy, depressed self. Today, I was... happy. This is Dice's fault! Now I must thank him! I haven't felt this happy in years.

Or maybe I'm just coming down with something. Either way, I got into my uniform, and put on just a little makeup. Another thing I hardly do, put on makeup. What has gotten over me?

I walked up the stairs and opened the basement door. The sun was shining through the windows of the Casino. It was quiet. Peaceful. No one was there... except for Dice. Who was cleaning table four.

He looked up at me, a wide smile spread across his face. "Good mornin', Cannikin!"

I smiled back. "Good morning. Uh... why are you cleaning the tables for me?"

"I thought I'd help you out a little." He said. "Unless... you don't want me to clean the tables."

He wants to help me? "Oh, uh... no, its OK. Thank you."

I looked at my watch. The Casino doors need to be unlocked in 20 minutes. Might as well go clean the kitchen a little.

"Oh, and I cleaned the kitchen." Said Dice.

I turned and looked at him. "Uh... thanks...?"

He's kind, hard working, enjoys gambling, and is a possible psychic.

He's perfect.

"Did you do everything for me?" I asked sarcastically.

"Actually, I think I did." Dice replied, not sarcastically. "I cleaned all the tables, swept the floors, cleaned the kitchen, did the dishes, refilled all the drinks, put all the playing cards and poker chips in their places, and cleaned the bathrooms."

"What time did you wake up this morning?" I said.

"4:00 on the dot."

I gasped. I don't know why, but I did. "Dice... you didn't have to do all that."

He put down the rag he was using to clean the tables and walked closer to me, a bit too much closer to me. "True, but I did it anyway. I felt bad for all the work you have to do... so I decided to help out a little." He said in a soft voice.

I blushed. He noticed. I didn't respond, but my mind was racing with all these things I wanted to say, "Why are you so kind to me? Why do you care about me? Why are you so cute?!"

...OK ignore that last one, but you get the idea.

"Say something, say something!" I thought.

"You... uh... I... you didn't have to... do that..."

"Idiot! You already said that!" I thought again.

Dice let out a quiet laugh. I felt my face heat up.

"Cannikin..." He said, his voice now a little softer. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?"

Yup, OK. That was my breaking point. "Huh?! Me?! Beautiful!? Dice what are you saying!?" I said, slightly louder than I expected. Dice didn't seem shocked that I nearly shouted at him. "Its true." He said. "You're beautiful."

I stepped back a little. "Dice, are you drunk? Tell me you're drunk. You're defiantly drunk."

Dice grinned. "Cannikin, I swear to you I haven't been drinking. This is all coming straight from my heart."

I was... speechless. He has never been so open to me before. What's going on with him? What am I supposed to say now?

"Oh... well... t-thank you." Did I just stutter? I stuttered. Great. Just great.

We stared at each other for a moment. He was smiling at me. It was a soft, kind smile. I noticed that the color in his eyes, which normally wasn't there, had turned to a soft shade of green. His cheeks were a light pink, and if you couldn't see his mouth, you would know he was smiling just from the details around his eyes. He opened his mouth to say something, but he was interrupted. By the sound of footsteps coming down the hall. He turned around to listen, then quickly looked back at me. "It's the boss." He said. "Quick, act normal."

I ran to the kitchen, picked up the broom, and pretended that I had just finished sweeping. Dice sat on one of the bar stools and began to practice shuffling his cards. At that moment, The Devil walked into the room, the keys to the Casino doors in his hand. "Good morning, Dice." He said in his usual, deep, booming voice as he walked to the doors.

"Good mornin' boss. Cannikin's in the kitchen by the way."

"Did she finish everything?" The Devil unlocked the door.

"Yup." Dice said in reply.

I stood in the kitchen, holding the broom tightly in my hand. I took a deep breath.

"He loves me... he really, really loves me..." I said quietly to myself.

"...and I really, really love him."

Cannikin (Cuphead OC) [SCRAPPED]Where stories live. Discover now