Chapter Nine- The Gamble Of a Lifetime

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My heart was pounding. The Devil had pulled everyone to aside to decide on what game they should play. I stood awkwardly next to my brothers, my head turned away from them.

"Hey." Said Cuphead. I pretended I couldn't hear him. "Hey, bubble head! Talk to us!" He said.

"Cuphead!" barked Mugman, irritated. "Don't be so rude!"

I looked at them. "Stay calm Cannikin. Don't cry Cannikin." I thought. "Yes?" I said to the boys in the most calm voice I could muster up. It didn't sound very calm though.

"Why are you doin' this, huh?" Said Cuphead, arms folded.

"Y-yeah" Mugman added. "You don't have to do this ma'am."

I thought for a moment before saying, "Why am I doing this...?" I paused.

"Because I can't afford to see another soul taken. Us cups gotta stick together."

A big smile spread across Mugman's face. Cuphead smirked. "Well uh... good luck I guess."

I smiled back, not noticing the tears in my eyes until Mugman's smile faded away into a worried frown. "Oh dear! Please don't cry ma'am... you really don't have to do this!"

Suddenly, the Devil spun around a grinned at me. "Alright..." he said in a booming voice. "we've made our choice."

I clenched my fist. I felt beads of sweat run down my forehead. At that moment I realized something... I suck at casino games. I know, I know, that may seem a bit shocking, considering I've spent years literally living in a casino, it's just that I've never been very interested in casino games. At this point, I realized I was screwed. No matter what they pick, I'll lose at it. Maybe I could convince him... convince him to do something other than a casino game... "think quick Cannikin!" I thought. "Do something! Anything!"

I took a deep breath and took a glance at my brothers. I took a moment to close my eyes and see them... I mean, really see them... to see their smiling faces, to hear their familiar voices. "Do it for them." I whispered to myself.

I stood up straight, puffed my chest, and will full confidence, I spoke. "Ya know what, boss?" I announced. The Devil, along with his gang, turned to me. Dice turned to me with worry. I gave him a reassuring nod. "I'll be honest with ya, I ain't all that good at this little... 'games'." I stepped forward. "But I know one thing I'm good at." I felt an intense energy run through my left hand, but I was too stuck in the moment to notice it. My fingers uncontrollably folded into a gun shape. I continued. "Fighting."

King Dice looked at me with a smile. He seemed to have noticed the energy in my hand, and unlike me, he knew what was happening. I was still overflowing with confidence...

until The Devil busted out into a booming laughter. he kept laughing until tears filled the corners of his eyes. I glanced at Cuphead and Mugman. They both looked furious, their heads boiling. Cuphead stepped forward and barked. "Alright, listen here ya big ball o' fluff! This lady got some spunk, and there's no doubt in my mind that she could kick your butt any day! Me and Mugs here could too!" Mugman stepped forward as well. He was trying to be confident, but it was obvious he was terrified. His entire body shook. "Y-y-y-yeah...! We're g-g-gonna h-hurt y-y-you!" He stuttered.

My confidence coming back to me, and the Devil's laughter silencing, I bravely pointed my "finger gun" towards the Devil. The end of my finger was glowing a light blue color. The Devil's face went from a mocking smile to an annoyed and angry expression.

"You think you tiny cups can defeat me?" He announced. "Fine, Cannikin, I accept your request. We shall, how you say, 'battle it out'"

The Devil stuck out his claws, and slowly lifted his arms into the air. As he did so, the casino began to shake below my feet. The ground cracked and shifted, the tables and chairs shook, I saw Mugman clench onto Cuphead's arm, and King Dice gave me a concerned and fearful look. Before I could even think, the ground opened beneath my feet, and I plummeted into a dark void. Everything around me became hot and humid. I looked down only to see a bright red light. As I got closer, I began to fall slower and slower, until finally my feet hit the ground. It was a hovering, rocky platform, and far down below it, an ocean of lava.

I looked over the edge. Something was bubbling in the lava, and all at once, The Devil, now thousands of feet taller, shot out from the lava and towered over me. He had a huge, evil grin spread across his face. This was it. This is hell.

It's a good day for a swell battle!


Its been forever since I last started writing in this! (Almost a year!) Sorry for the long wait, but I thought you'd all like to know I went back and edited all the chapters. Some edits bigger than others, but I recommend that if you've been reading to this point (if you don't mind, you totally don't have to) to re-read the previous chapters as I managed to fix a lot of spelling errors and paragraphs I didn't like (Example- I completely deleted Dice's poem 'cause it was so freaking cringy lmao. I replaced it with a letter instead.) Sorry for the inconvenience! Look forward for more chapters in the future!


Cannikin (Cuphead OC) [SCRAPPED]Where stories live. Discover now