Chapter Four- Back To Work (Dice's P.O.V)

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I can't believe I just did that.

Right after Cannikin had left, after my... confession... I immediately ran outside and sat down, back against the wall of the Casino. I just needed a second to breathe, a second to remind myself what had just happened.

This wasn't supposed to be happening.

If anyone finds out... I'm dead. And so is Cannikin.

I put my hand on my head.

"What am... what am I doing...?" I whispered to myself.

I looked at my watch. Half past 5. I'm late for tonight's meeting. But I can't go when I'm this flustered... the boss won't mind if I'm a few minutes late, right?

I arrived in the boss's office 20 minutes late. I was wrong. He did mind. Honestly, I didn't expect it to take that long for me to calm down.

"You're late." He snarled. "My best worker, late for work, why I never..."

"Yes, boss, I'm terribly sorry. I just had a few more things I needed to get done before I got here." I said, taking a seat in front of his desk. He slid a small stack of signed contracts towards me. "Luckily for you, there's not as many contracts that need to be sorted out, so you should be going home early tonight. Get to work."

"Yes sir." I said, and took the first contract off the stack.

Only 10 minutes passed by and I still couldn't stop thinking about Cannikin. The way she looked, the way she talked, she was just so confident with herself. Not only that, but she told really good jokes. At that moment I realized that I had stopped working entirely. Gotta focus... focus...

10 more minutes passed by. I felt my face warming up. I put the wrong contract in the wrong folder, but I quickly corrected myself before the boss could notice. This isn't like me. This isn't normal.

5  minutes. God dammit- I can't focus. If I keep acting like this the boss will figure it out eventually. If he does, he'll most likely separate me and Cannikin, as she'll "distract me from my work". I can't let that happen. I...


He finally said something. I stop what I'm doing, but I don't look up at him.

"Are you feeling OK? Your face is bright red..."

Still not looking up at him, I say, "Huh? Oh. I'm f-fine." Did I just stutter? I just stuttered. The Devil stands up. I still don't look at him. I start working, pretending I that I don't notice he's walking towards me. "Dice." He says. "Look at me."

Not wanting to make him angry, I look up at him.

He gives me a confused (and slightly shocked) look. "Uh... are you..." He looks at the clock on the wall. "...n-never mind, go home."

"Alright..." I respond.

On my walk home, my emotions become worse. I almost forgot my way home. I felt dazed, confused... flustered.

It took much longer than I expected, but I finally made it home.

The Die House.

As I entered, I noticed my window. Outside my window, a path could be seen. It lead straight to Elder Kettle's house.

Elder Kettle...

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