Re;birth Apocalypse [Original] Ch. 9: Revamp

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"How the hell did I mess that up?!"

I ready my bonerod, as the surrounding sandwellers get closer. One of them launches a spike, which I counter by batting it back into its head. The sandweller absorbs the spike into its body and reforms it at its mouth. I send a few of them flying with a gust of wind. Tossing my bonerod into the air, gusts of wind spinning it around like a top. I motion with my finger, as the bonerod strikes down a sandweller. "Perfect." I swipe my finger around, striking the other sandwellers to the ground, twirling my finger in the air, causing the bonerod to form a hurricane. The sandwellers are dragged out of the ground and torn apart by the winds. I clench my hand, as the bonerod bursts into shrapnel, and the hurricane disperses. "That's my quota for the mission. Let's see how the others are doing."

IF shoots a lunging sandweller, engulfing a few others in Demon Flames, as Purple Heart drops 32-bit Megablades on the surrounding horde. I step over the mutilated corpses of sandwellers. "I assume Griffal..." ~ "You'd be right." Griffal drops a mangled corpse of a sandweller on the ground. I look down at the corpse, then back to Griffal. "Filleted... Overkill much?" ~ "You could do worse." ~ "That's not... untrue..." Purple Heart kills off the last sandweller. "Well, that's all of them." A ringtone goes off, gaining everyone's attention. "Oh, that's mine." I take out my IPod Touch. "Ye~..." ~ "Care to explain why there's an armadillo, driving a car, with a chess piece in the muffler, loose in the Basilicom?" ~ "I-Is this a booty call?" ~ "Answer me!" ~ "Uh... Griffal?" ~ "Migrating season." ~ "It's migrating season..." ~ "Just, how do I get rid of it?" ~ "Okay, but I need to get an item first." ~ "Okay, hurry." ~ "I can't find it." ~ "Don't start!" ~ "*sigh* First, remove the chess piece from the muffler." ~ "O-Okay~... Gah! *cough* *cough*" ~ "Suck it up, it matches your name." ~ "*cough* Now what?" ~ "Well, now that you've prevented a potential spontaneous combustion~..." ~ "What?!" ~ "Trust me, I'm no auto expert." ~ "That's not very reassuring." ~ "Now, just wait. It should just drive away." ~ "Drive away?" ~ "Yeah, the armadillo should just drive away after a whi~..." ~ "It's asleep." ~ "Eh... Wha~...?" ~ "The armadillo, it's asleep." ~ "Well, that's odd... I could've sworn I had hooked it up on cocaine..." ~ "What the hell have you been doing in your free time?!" ~ "Too much... and not much... I'm confused..." ~ "Are you sane?" ~ "I'm like any other normal person. I do my taxes one leg at a time." ~ "That still doesn't fix this problem." ~ "What problem?" ~ "The drugged armadillo driving a car in my Basilicom!" ~ "Oh, right. There's a button on the windshield." ~ "This one? Ah!" ~ "Question, did you remove the armadillo beforehand?" ~ "N-No..." ~ "Aw dammit... Welp, I can always use the monkey..." ~ "Please don't drug anymore animals." ~ "Anyways, I need some new gear, and Lastation has all of the tech I'm looking for." ~ "Our tech isn't free." ~ "I know that. I have a way of gaining credits." ~ "You aren't planning something illegal, are you?" ~ "I don't do illegal things, I do things that 'should' be illegal." I hang up, and Neptune looks to me. "Who was that?" ~ "Noire. I have some business in Lastation." ~ "When did you get Noire's phone number?" ~ "I think the better question is; How the hell did she call me on my IPod Touch...?"

(Back in Lastation)

"And here's your credits." I drop a sack of credits on the table, in front of Noire. "I'm not even going to ask how you got those." ~ "Like I said, I'd get you your credit. 372, 044 sacks of credits." Noire brings out a few boxes. "Here's what you ordered. A pack of exposure chips for your synthetic eye, 3 power resistors, prototype synthetic eyes, nanobots, share crystal adaptor, share collector, share distributer, and a portable motorbike." I take the boxes and set them into a compartment on the motorbike. "This should do for a few months." ~ "A few months?!" ~ "Yeah, I'll be a regular customer. Anyways, I should get back to the others now." I step outside and release the motorbike. The bike was Lastation's most recent model, used for elite guards. The frame was silver with purple highlights. The wheels and steering wheel being a darker grey. I hop on the bike and make my way through the streets of Lastation.

"Put the money in the bag!" I stop by an antique game store currently being robbed. "I'm... not going to worry about that." ~ "Halt! Evildoer!" I look up at the building where the sound originated from. Standing on the roof was a girl with blue hair wearing a black bodysuit with an open zipper worn below her stomach, bandage around her chest. She jumps off of the building and pulls out a gun that looks like a penguin, dood. Two guys in ski masks come out of the store. "Who the hell are you?!" They pull out guns as well. "Name's Nisa. Gamindustri Heroine of Justice!" I sigh, hopping off of my bike. "I guess I should be of assistance..."

End of Chapter 

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