Notes to Us: Notepad Two

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Notes to Cyan: Get a lesson on romance from Derpy.

Derpy: No.

Cyan: Yes.

Derpy: No.

Cyan: Yes.

Derpy: No!

Cyan: Yes!

Derpy: Fine...

Cyan: Yay!

Notes to Derpy: Stop writing romance stories.

Cyan: But then how will I make poems about them?!


Notes to Cyan: Stop overworking your subordinates.


Derpy: Send help.

Notes to Derpy: Stop shipping random characters together

Cyan: But isn't that the easiest way to make enemies?

Derpy: Probably.

Random Reader: Hey, when will you guys write the Dorian x Raidea story?

Both: NO!

Notes to Cyan: Write something other than Neptunia.

Cyan: I'm actually planning on writing a Mary Skelter: Nightmares fanfiction.

Derpy: No. You won't.

Cyan: ...maybe...

Derpy: No.

Notes to Derpy: No skin-ships allowed.

Cyan: Why is everything on this list have to do with you forcing two people together?

Derpy: I'm just surprised you haven't...

Cyan: ...


Cyan: ...

Derpy: ...oh my god...

Notes to Cyan: Stop the TFS references.

Cyan: No.

Derpy: but...

Cyan: NO!

Notes to Derpy: Write seriously.

Derpy: No.

Cyan: but...

Derpy: NO!

Notes to Cyan: Take a break.

Cyan: NEVER!

Derpy: Don't even try... I've been telling him that for a year now...

Notes to Derpy: Stop creating anomalies with multiple branched timelines...

Derpy: I could...

Cyan: I won't.

Notes to Us: Write more.

Cyan: ...

Derpy: ...

Cyan: riot?

Derpy: Riot.

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