Quota Misconceptica [Derpy]

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DerpySound's side:



"Then what? Spill the beans all over my face."

Neptune: Come On! Give it to me!

Raidea: No! Your fucking obsessed with this!

Neptune: Why!? Why can't I have it?!

Raide: For reasons out of my control!

Neptune: What!?

Raidea: I don't have the physical ability to give to you what you want!

Neptune: No way!

Raidea: Yes way! Even though that's not even it...

Neptune: Than What? Spill the beans all over my face!

Raidea: I can't give you your damn pudding because I don't have any fucking arms ok!?

Jade: I'm a member of the Guild. I live on Leanbox, but I don't follow Lady Green Heart...

Neptune: ...Why're you telling me now? What's up with this?



IF: ...And that's that. You finished him off.

Neptune: Oops. Well, that was for ruining the moment.


Jade: Neptune...

Neptune: What!?

Jade: I'm a member of the guild. I live in lean box, but I don't follow lady Green Heart.

Neptune: Why are you telling me this now? What's up with this?

Jade: I... I'm into girls like... Lady White Heart.


IF: And that's that. You finished him offf.

Neptune: Oops. Well, that was for ruining the moment.

Raidea: Ok guys I got the popcorn- WHOAH WHAT THE HELL JADE!?



"Then what? Spill the beans all over my face."

Neptune: So, what's the first ingredient?

Iro: Dead turtle kidneys.

Neptune: What!?

Iro: What?

Neptune: Why!?

Iro: You think that's bad? Just wait till you see what else we've got.

Neptune: What else is there?

Iro: Well... you'll find out... actually nevermind that don't make sense.

Neptune: Than What? Spill the beans all over my face.

Iro: Ok.

Iro picked up the can of hot boiling beans and just dumped it all over Neptune. 

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