Game Night: Eternal Hell

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Dorian (Stardust)




Game 1: The Game of Neptunia Things| Chapter 1

Dorian: So... Someone screwed up and now we're all in hell... How 'bout a card game?

Blanc: Is it a children's card game...?

Dorian: No.

Everyone: Let's do this!

Dorian takes a deck of cards and shuffles them in his hand.

Naidea: Wait... where's Raidea

Raidea: *in the distance* Uhuh.. yea... really... I thought it was a lion... aight... gotcha. YEAH YEAH I'LL BE HERE ON FATHERS DAY!

Raidea sat down at the table

Naidea: Who was that?

Raidea: Well, I'm in hell, figured I'd see my dad at least.

Dorian: The judge will be yours truly. First, I draw a card from the deck and read it aloud. Second, everyone else will write a response and fold them so we can't see who wrote what. Third, pile them in and I'll read them off. Finally, the person to my left gets to guess who wrote what. If they get it right, they get to guess the next person, and so on. But if they get it wrong, it moves to the next person to guess. The judge will not guess, because of handwriting and all of that... Points will be handed out for those who guess properly.

A fire roared in the table, as a flaming demon emerged.

Hades: Ok, how did all of you perish?

Raidea: Ok here we go. Dad, meet everyone. Everyone... meet dad.

Everyone: Hi, Hades.

Hades: Answer my question.

Raidea: Damn, you're straight down to the point aren't you, your honor, if you may start us off.

Neptune: Ate an eggplant.

Noire: Died of loneliness.

Blanc: Papercut.

Vix: Inhaling Fox fur

Raidea: Suicide.

Naidea: I don't know, I got drunk and here I am.

Gheo: Suffocated in sand.

Raidea: Dorian, open the hole in your face. But choose wisely, as we may not like what you say...

Dorian: Wisely.

Raidea: God Dammit, Dorian!

Hades just sighs.

Dorian: Choked on some rice.


Raidea: So, actually I have a question... if the Grim Reaper has a scythe... and the devil- hades has a pitch fork... does hell have good agriculture?

Hades: Raidea, I swear to Zeus.

Neptune: But aren't you already a god?


Raidea: Yeah, dad...

Hades: ...Shut up, Poseidon.

Raidea: Ok we have suffering to go through so go f*** yourself.

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