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You're sitting in the garden, watching the workers preparing the plant beds. Your father had told you what each plant could do. You liked to learn about how you could use them but you weren't interested in plants very much. You heard noise behind you and you turned to see your father walking up to you. You smiled.

"Hi dad."

"Hello y/n." Your father sat next to you. "What are you doing?"

"I'm just looking at the plants." You said. "They're really pretty." Your father smiled.

"And dangerous." He stood up. "There's something I'd like to show you." You followed him into the garden. He showed you a pointy magenta flower. "Do you know what this plant does?" He asked you.

You shook your head and asked, "What does it do?"

"It makes you behave." Your father said. "It makes you do as you're told." You looked at the plant.

"It doesn't look like it could do that." You pointed out.

"Do not judge by appearance." Your father told you. "Looks can fool you." You nodded.

"It's still a cool flower." You reached out to touch it but then pulled your hand back. Your dad had told you never to touch the plants.

Five months later

You're reading a book when your dad comes into your room. He was carrying a snow jacket and a blank white mask. He was also wearing snow boots. You saw the end of a gun sticking out of his snow jacket.

"Where are you going?"You ask.

"This is important," Your dad told you. "Don't leave this facility while I'm gone, understand." You nodded.

"Yes dad." He smiled and disappeared from the doorway. You set down your book and creeped after your father. He climbed into a helicopter and it lifted off the ground. You watched as it flew into the distance. You returned to your room. Why did he have the gun? Where was he going and what was he doing? There were so many thoughts reeling through your head. You closed your door and layed down on your bed. You were woken by the sound of helicopter blades. You walked out of your room and saw your fathers helicopter landing. Your father stumbled out, still in his snow jacket and holding his gun. His mask was broken and now you could see a part of his face. You ran up to him. "What happened? Are you okay?" He nodded.

"I'll be fine."

"What happened?" You followed him into the compound.

"It's nothing." He said. "I was just cleaning some things up."

"What things?" You asked.

"Family problems." He left you standing in a hallway.

"Family problems?" You said. "What family problems?"

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