Five months later

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You wait outside M's office. He was going to give you another mission. James and Nomi didn't tell him I was related to Safin. Thank god. Madeleine was still unsure about you and you didn't see Mathilde very much. Moneypenny picked up the phone connecting her to M. She nodded and put the phone down.

"You can go in y/n." Moneypenny said. You smiled and headed into the office. M was sitting at the desk, looking through some files. He looked up when you entered.

"Ah, y/n." He said. "I have a mission for you."

"Yeah, I know." You said. "What is it?"

"Remember cyclops?" M asked. You nodded.

"Didn't Madeleine blind him?" You asked.

"He can still see." M said. "What Dr. Swann hit him with must have missed his eyes."

"Eye." You corrected. M sighed.

"Eye." M repeated. "You need to find him and bring him in. He could break Safin out." M was pissed about James bringing Safin in, and clearly, he still was.

"Do you know where he is?" You asked. M shook his head.

"The last place that we know where he was is the poison garden." M said. "You also need to bring Ash in."

"He escaped?"

"Someone got him out after You brought Safin in. We didn't go after them." M said. "We didn't think he could get in." You nodded and turned to leave. "y/n." M said. You looked behind you.


"Use all the resources you have." M said. "Our priority is cyclops. If you don't bring in Ash, that's fine, he still has the bullet in his leg." You nodded and left.

You made sure you had a gun before you left. M told you to use all of your resources. So you will. Even though he won't approve of them. You made the call.

"Ah, I knew you would call me at some point y/n." The voice said.

"I need to find someone." You said.

"You need a favor?"


"Why would I give you one? You shot me in the leg. And gave me a nickname."

"We're siblings." You said. "Siblings help each other out."

"I dropped the name Safin a long time ago." The person on the other side of the phone said. "My last name's Ash now. That's what people know me by."

"I just need this one favor, then I'll get out of your hair." You promised. The person sighed. "Blondie." You said.

"Please, don't call me that." Ash said.

"Fine, brother." You said. "I need you to help me find someone."

"Who?" Ash asked.

"Primo." Ash made a confused noise. "Cyclops." You clarified. "MI6 wants me to bring him in." There was a pause. "They also wanted me to bring you in, but they said it wasn't a priority. I just need Primo." There was another, longer, pause. You bit your lip. Come on Ash. Make the decision.

"Fine." Ash gave in. "But don't make me regret this."

"I won't." You grinned. "I promise."


You met Ash at the pier.

"Why did you want to meet here?" You asked.

"This is where dad told us about our family." Ash said, looking around. "He told us everything. Every last little detail."

"Except what it was like when they died." You reminded him. "I was there when he got back from killing Dr. Swann's mom.""Please, don't call me that." Ash said.

"Fine, brother." You said. "I need you to help me find someone."

"Who?" Ash asked.

"Primo." Ash made a confused noise. "Cyclops." You clarified. "MI6 wants me to bring him in." There was a pause. "They also wanted me to bring you in, but they said it wasn't a priority. I just need Primo." There was another, longer, pause. You bit your lip. Come on Ash. Make the decision.

"Fine." Ash gave in. "But don't make me regret this."

"I won't." You grinned. "I promise."


You met Ash at the pier.

"Why did you want to meet here?" You asked.

"This is where dad told us about our family." Ash said, looking around. "He told us everything. Every last little detail."

"Except what it was like when they died." You reminded him. "I was there when he got back from killing Dr. Swann's mom."

"What's Dr. Swann's mom got to do with our family's death?" Ash asked.

"Dr. Swann's dad killed our family." You said. Blondie looked down at his shoes. "Anyway," You wanted to get out of this conversation as soon as possible. "Where's Primo?"

"The last time I saw him was when he was breaking me out of MI6."

"He broke you out of MI6?"

"Yeah." Ash said. "Then he gave me a phone number and said 'if you ever need to find me, or any other person working for Safin, call this number' and then he left." You extended your hand.

"Can I have the phone number please?" Ash rummaged through his pockets and came out with a scrap of binder paper. He handed it to you.

"Give it back when you're done." He said. "I still need it." You called the number. Ash gestured to put it on speaker and you did. Primo picked it up.

"Ash." He said.

"It's Safin actually." You said.

"How did you get this number?"

"Ash gave it to me." You said. "There wasn't a struggle, I just asked for the number and he gave it to me."

"She asked so nicely." Ash defended. You could imagine Primo rolling his eyes on the other side of the phone. You began tracking the call.

"Why are you calling me?" Primo asked.

"Do you really need to know that?" You said. "Maybe I just called to say hi." Primo was probably rolling his eyes again. "Anyways..." You tracked his location. "I gotta go, do some important stuff." You hung up. You looked at Ash. "Thanks for your help." He nodded.

"Can I have the number back?" You handed him the number.

"Nothing against MI6 though." You said. "Or I'll shoot you in the leg." Ash smiled.

"I'm counting on it." 

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