Chapter eleven: In my way

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You were in the middle of a firefight. You, hiding behind a pile of boxes, and Primo, hiding behind an overturned table. You popped up and shot at Primo. You were almost out of bullets. You peeked over the boxes and instantly ducked when a barrage of bullets sailed for your head. Part of the box to your left blew up and you covered your head with your arms. You looked over the boxes to see Primo pushing forwards. You coced your gun and shot at Primo. Luckily it hit his leg. Primo keeped firing. You checked how much ammo you had left. You only had one clip left. Primo, on the other hand, seemed to have an endless amount of bullets. Another box exploded. You shot at Primo but missed. You cursed as another box exploded with the force of multiple bullets. A bullet brushed your arm and you gave a short gasp. One of the boxes supporting your back exploded and the one's on top of it collapsed. You jumped behind a beem just as bullets hit the spot where you were just sitting. You blind fired in Primo's direction. There was a pause in the firing but then it started up again. You were almost out of bullets. You picked up a rock and threw it at Primo. There was a thud and grunt. You must have hit him. You shot the gun out of his hand. He turned to run but you shot him. He rolled over and coughed up blood.

You pulled him up and shoved him away from the destruction and bullet holes. He struggled but you kneed his leg (the shot one) and he crumpled forward.

"Where are you taking me?!" He demanded.

"To MI6." You said. When you reached your car you got a pair of handcuffs and cuffed Primo's hands behind his back. You shoved him into the back and got into the driver's seat. You made sure all the doors were locked and Primo couldn't escape before driving off. You heard Primo struggle but after a while he stopped. James called you.

"Hi James."

"Where are you?!"' James sounded desperate.

"Coming back to MI6 after a mission." You said.

"How many blocks away?" James asked.

"Umm..." You glanced around. "About 10."


"Okay, I'm 2.3 miles away." You confessed.

"Hurry!" James said. There was some talking on the other side of the phone. Nomi's voice came into your ear.

"What's your mission?" She asked.

"M sent me to get cyclops." You said.

"Did you get him?"

"Currently, he's struggling against handcuffs and a locked, moving car." You said. You sensed Nomi smiling on the other end.

"Well, hurry up. Something important."

"Okay, see you there." You hung up.


When you arrive at MI6, guards take Primo away to a cell.

"Took you long enough." Nomi said.

"Traffic." You said. "What's the important thing you and James wanted to tell me?"

"It's about Safin." Nomi said. Your mouth thinned.

"What about him?"

"He's asking for you." Nomi said.

"Do you know why?" You asked, wanting to drag as much time as possible before talking to Safin.

"He didn't say." Nomi shrugged. "He was really vague."

"Sounds like him." You said. "When does he want to talk?"



"Yes, now, that's what I said!"

"I can't meet now, I have things to do!" Nomi raised her eyebrow.

"What things?" She asked skeptically. You rolled your eyes and shoved your hands into your jean pockets.

"Okay, I'm free." You said.

"Come on." Nomi tugged at your arm. You followed her.

"Do I have to?" You complained.

"We need the information!" Nomi said. "Even though he's behind bars we need to stop his people."

"Okay." You said. "Only because we need the information." 

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