Chapter six: Blofeld

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James was going to talk to Blofeld. You were waiting for Nomi and Dr. Swann to get out of the bathroom. The girls bathroom door opened and you looked over to see Nomi.

"Dr. Swann's almost done." You nodded. "What did M say? I heard shouting."

"I don't want to talk about it." You said.

"Aw, come on!" Nomi said. "It can't be that bad!"

"He said that James can leave and I can't because he's a retired double o." You said. "And he said at least he told us what his last name is and his past, and I didn't." The bathroom door opened and Dr. Swann came out.

"Are you ready?" Nomi asked. Dr. Swann nodded. You walked next to Nomi as she talked to Dr. Swann. "Are you sure you're ready for this?"

"Yes." Dr. Swann said. You turned a corner and saw James at the other end. After a few seconds the two groups walked over to each other and James extended his hand. Dr. Swann didn't take it. You followed Nomi and M's assistant, Tanner, into a room.

"Does he have that effect on all women?" Nomi asked.

"It's 50/50." Tanner said. You watched as Dr. Swann and James walked into the room. Swann's hand started shaking. She ran to the door and shouted;

"Let me out!"

"Let her out!" James ordered. The door opened and Swann fled the room. It was now James and Blofeld. James turned to Blofeld and the conversation started. You didn't listen because you were watching to see if either of them would do something. At a moment's notice you would run in and pull James out. Nomi's phone binged and she read it.

"Q found something important." Nomi said. "Come on y/n." You followed her out. Tanner was about to object but you closed the door on his words. You wondered how James was holding up. You thought about looking back at the receding doorway but it was shrouded by a corner and it would be stupid because you wouldn't see him anyway. Nomi looked back at you and gave a small smile.

"What?" You asked.

"We never got to finish our conversation earlier." She said. "I'm sorry what M said. He shouldn't have said that. It's not true." You got into the passenger seat of Nomi's car and she pulled out of the parking space.

"It's true." You said.

"Huh?" Nomi said. "No it isn't."

"You don't know my last name." You said. "I don't talk about my past. Ever." That was a lie. You had talked to James about it. But you didn't tell him the whole truth. Only part of it. The part that wouldn't get you killed.

"Maybe you should start talking about it." Nomi's eyes were fixed on the road. "Like, now." You shook your head.

"I can't."

"You can't or you won't." Nomi asked.

"Both." You swallowed. "I had an okay life, up until I was 10. That's all you need to know."

"What happened?" Nomi was slowly squeezing the information out of you.

"That's all you need to know." You repeated. "Nothing else." Nomi parked the car and you followed her into MI6. You shoved your hands into your pockets and thought of what James was doing now. Those thoughts clouded your head as Nomi and Q hunched over a computer, talking. Then James showed up. He was shocked. You walked over to see what was going on. Q asked James to give him his hand. Q scanned James' thumb on a scanner and the results took a minute to pop up.

"Well," Q said. "You have Hercules in you. It's target was Blofeld."

"And it succeeded." James muttered. He turned his voice to a normal sound level and asked; "Can you get it off?" Q shook his head.

"Once Heracles is in you, it'll never leave." No one spoke.

"Who gave it to me?" James asked.

"Who was the last person who touched you?" Q asked.

"Madeleine." James said. "You think I got it from her?"

"That's probably what happened."

"Do you know where she is now?" James asked. Everyone shook their heads.

"She isn't in her flat and she abandoned her car." Nomi said.

"I'll still find her somehow." James walked out of the room. You looked at Nomi and she shrugged. Don't follow him, she mouthed. You nodded.

"Do you think he will actually find her?" Q asked.

"Bond has his ways." M said. "Even though they're dangerous."

"And not allowed." Nomi added.

"And not allowed." M repeated.

"He could get himself killed." You said. "That would be a loss." M nodded.

"We need someone to follow him to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." He said.

"I'll do it." You volunteered. M agreed.

"Go." He ordered. You left the room. 

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