Chapter seven: Madeleine

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You put a gun in your pocket and tracked James' phone. Just in case you put a pack of amo in your empty pocket. You hurried to your car and followed google maps instructions to James. Please don't do anything stupid while I'm not watching you, James. You thought then almost smacked your face. Of course James is going to do something stupid! He always does! You keep your eyes as the scenery changes.

After about two hours of driving you found James' car parked near some trees. You got out of your car and walked through the trees. There was a house, sitting on a lake. It made you want to wrap up in a blanket and roast marshmallows. But that would never happen. It just never happened. You never left the poison island. Except for school. You banished those thoughts from your head and went back to your car. You found some binoculars in the little apartment on the passenger's side. You walked to the tree line and put the binoculars to your eyes. You aimed your sight through the window and two people walking down a spiral staircase. One was James and the other... the other one was Dr. Swann. Well James, looks like you found her. You pulled out your phone and texted Nomi.

Found James. He has found Swann. I'll send more info tomorrow.

Nomi responded almost immediately.

Okay. Send as much info as you can. We need all the stuff we can get if it ties to heracles. Or why Swann had heracles on her.

Bye, Nomi.

Bye y/n. Stay alive.

You too :)

You turned off your phone and returned to your binoculars. You took them away from your face instantly.

"Ewwww!" You said. "Get a room! Jeez!" You shook your head, trying to get the image out of your head but it stuck there. "Ewwwwww." You repeated. "Ewwwwwww. Ewwwwwwww. That is disgusting!" You returned to your car and prepared it for the night ahead. You checked your emergency pack and saw you had some food for breakfast tomorrow. You checked ration packs (these are different, the raccoons are for if you run out of the other stuff) and saw you had plenty. You double checked that everything was safe and secure before climbing into the back and locking the car. You fell asleep with your gun gripped in your hand.

You woke up early and unlocked your car. You had some food before grabbing a backpack from the trunk. You filled it with all the food you had (this could be a long one), some extra amo, your binoculars, a spare gun, and some tripwire. Who knows, tripwire could come in handy. Also you packed a slingshot. Gotta have some fun right? You put your phone securely in your pocket and gripped your gun tighter. You watched the house .

It took a while before something happened. James ran out of the house with a child and Swann. They locked the door and ran towards the car. You jumped into your car and hid it. They hurried into the car and drove off. You instantly followed them. At a distance. After James entered the highway three black range rovers started following him. You pulled to the back so you wouldn't get caught in the mix. You would let James deal with them. You saw where he was going and took a shortcut up onto the hill. You didn't focus on James, just the road ahead but after a while, you glanced his way and saw he had entered the forest and had no range rovers following him. You sighed in relief and followed him.

James stopped the car and got out. He carried the child and led Madeleine into the woods. You gripped your gun tighter and followed them. You heard a motorcycle not too far away. James handed Madeleine his gun and led her over to a really old, small, building. You watched from the opposite side of the building, behind a tree. A man on a motorcycle with a big gun, bigger than the ones you and James had, welled in front of James. You shot him before he could make a move. They looked up.

"y/n!" James said.

"Hey, James." You nudged the man with your foot to see if he was still alive. He wasn't. "Why are you taking a lovely stroll in these lovely woods with this lovely biker man and his gun?"

"Safin is coming for Madeleine." Fear clenched your gut. "We have to get her out of here." There were more motorcycle noises. James pushed Madeleine into the old building and put the child on her lap. He looked up at you. "Can you protect her?"

"I'll do my best." You said.

"That isn't good enough." James said harshly.

"If someone shoots me before I get him, it's up to Madeleine. If that fails, I didn't let that happen." You said. "I'll do my best." James nodded and grabbed the biker's gun and ran into the woods. You got into the building and crouched next to Madeleine and her child.

"Can I trust you?" She asked.

"If you trust James, then you can trust me." You said. She tilted her head silently asking why. "I'm from MI6." You clarified. Madeleine nodded, her eyes softening.

"Will you really try your best to protect us?" She asked.

"I'll do my best." You promised. "But if it's out of my control, I'll still fight my way out and do my best to save you." Madeleine nodded and clutched the gun James had given her. There were distant gunshots. It took a while for the crashes and gunshots to faid. Then a man stepped in the doorway with a gun. You and Madeleine shot him in the chest. More men appeared in the doorway but they were shot down. Finally a last man appeared. And he didn't have a gun. Madeleine didn't shoot. She was terrified. You shot but missed. Men ran in from all sides and grabbed the gun out of your hands and the backpack off your back. "Hey!" You hissed as they hauled you up alongside Madeleine and her child. Madeleine was still shaking as the men led you to a helicopter. They shoved you into the helicopter next to him. Him. Your father. If you weren't keeping your cool you would be sweating at the least. At the least. You didn't look at him as the helicopter flew away from James. I'm sorry James. I just didn't know he'd be here. You shivered even though it wasn't cold. You were child to the bone. And it was because of him. 

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