Chapter five: Specter

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"y/n!" Nomi said, running over to you. "What happened? First you were at the bar, then the lights went off, about ten minutes later they turned back on and you were gone."

"Sorry." You said. "But I'm here now!"

"Where were you?" James asked. "You were gone for a day and a half."

"A day and a half?!" You said. "I was out that long?"

"Out?" Nomi said.

"I was knocked out." You explained.

"By who?" James asked. You swallowed. You can tell them part of the truth. But not the whole truth. Don't tell them about Dad or the poison garden You thought.

"Cyclops got me." You said. "He took me to this building, I barely got out."

"What did he want?" James asked.

"He wanted you." You lied. "He used me to get to you. You didn't come. Now look where we are." James scanned your face. Good thing you were good at lying. James nodded.

"We're going to talk to Blofeld tomorrow." He said.

"Why not now?" You said.

"We didn't know if you'd come back." Nomi said. "We put it on tomorrow because you might get here around then. Looks like we were right."

"Looks like you were right." You said. You shifted onto your bad leg and winced.

"Are you okay y/n?" James asked.

"I'm fine." You lied, but this time, the pain in your face gave it away.

"y/n." Nomi said firmly. "What happened?"

"I told you." You said. "I told you everything."

"No." James said. "No you didn't." Their hard gazes bore into you. You shivered. "y/n." James said. "Don't lie to us." They were judging you. You could feel it. Your emotions took over.

"Don't judge me!" You said. "Don't think I'm with him. I'm with MI6! Will you just trust me? Just because I came back with a bullet in my leg and a stolen car with the driver's side window broken!"

"y/n..." James said. "Who's him?" You've said too much. You can feel it.

"You'll find out tomorrow." You said to James. "Dr. Swann tells you everything doesn't she?" James was speechless. You walked away, not minding that your limp showed. You'd take the bullet out and bandage yourself up. Just like your hope, your trust was shivering away in the wind.


"y/n, I need to talk to you, well, we need to talk to you. We're sorry about earlier and we want to talk about what James is going to ask Blofeld. M said James and Dr. Swann are the only people going in there to talk to Blofeld."

"y/n! Please pick up your phone! Now!"

"y/n, this is James, can you please pick up your phone. I don't want to come find you and drag you back to MI6. But I will. If I have too."

"y/n. It's Nomi. I have one thing to say to you. PICK OF YOUR PHONE!"

y/n, pick up your phone!

Please, if you won't respond to me and Nomi's calls just answer our texts! Y/N! Don't make me come find you!

You put down your phone after reading James' last text. You know you should respond, but somethings holding you back, somethings making you ghost them, give them a virtual silent treatment. The next text was from Q. And the next from Moneypenny.

y/n, you need to return to MI6. James and Nomi need you. -Q

y/n! If this is a joke, knock it off! It isn't funny!

You can imagine James trying to convince M to order you to get your butt back to MI6. But he probably wouldn't frase it that way. You waited for his text to ping up on your phone but it didn't. You decided to respond to Q and Moneypenny.

Sorry Q, I'm busy.

With what?

My business isn't your business.

Hey, Moneypenny, sorry, but I can't get back to MI6.


I'm busy.

With what?

My business is mine and mine alone.

You were currently at the top of a mountain. You had decided to take a hike even though your leg was still hurting. You had taken out the bullet and bandaged it up before leaving. But it needed to be re-bandaged constantly. Even now, you have to pull up your pant leg, take off the blood stained bandage, and put on a fresh one. As you were pulling your pant leg down you saw that the bandage was already taking up some blood. It was bleeding that much when you started the hike, but the wound probably had opened on the way up and now you were dealing with the consequences. You'd go back to MI6 before tomorrow morning because you didn't want to miss Blofeld's enetogation. But it will suck to explain everything to Nomi, Q, Moneypenny and especially James and M. You sighed, casting the thought of talking to them about it out of your head. There would probably be shouting. Mostly from M. He would want to know why I left MI6 without a good reason. But I do have a good reason. I took a hike. But he wouldn't take it. He would say it wasn't a real reason. You focused on the lowering sun and decided to hike back down the mountain. It would suck to have to walk the whole way down in the dark. And you didn't bring a flashlight.

Where are you? 

It was James.

Why did you text Q and Moneypenny but not us?! We're your friends too!

But are you really? After tomorrow, after you find out about Safin and him being my father you'll kill me. Even though I'm an MI6 agent. Even though I'm your friend. You thought, almost slipping on a rock. Just because of who my father is. Just because of Safin's choices.


You sat in your car and watched the rest of the sunset. Explaining why you left to M and your friends keeped creeping into your mind. The sun finally set and you headed off towards MI6. You couldn't help but think about what would happen at MI6.


There was a lot of yelling. Especially from M.


"Since when do I need permission?" You said. "James and Nomi can leave when they want!"

"Nomi's a double o and Bonds' a former one." M said. "They hold a higher status than you!"

"First of all, ow, second of all, I was the one that found James in the first place! You're welcome!" You were almost at yelling level.

"Well at least Bond tells people about his past, and his last name, even though it hurts!" M had went for the low blow. And it hurt. Bad.

"At least I'm not an old man who all he does is give orders from behind a desk and make people do his dirty work." You left. M didn't make you stay. You hoped your words had stung. A lot. 

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