Chapter three: Heracles

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"What do they have that's so important?" You asked.

"It's called Heracles." Q said.

"Please explain Q." James said.

"Heracles is a swarm of nanobots, which can be programmed with target DNA, infecting and killing the chosen target on contact." Q said. "Why do you want to know about Heracles anyway? It isn't your mission."

"We were just wondering." You said.

"Okay." Q said. "Just don't go on the mission. It's not yours."

"Don't worry." James said. "We won't." Q nodded and walked away, engrossed in his iPad. "Let's go." James tugged your arm. "We have to get out of here before anyone sees us." You followed him out and into his Astin Martin. James pulled out of the driveway. "Can you track 007's phone?" James asked. You nodded and pulled out your phone. James waited for you to pull it up and followed the phone's directions.


Nomi parked outside a big building and hurried inside, not paying attention to the car parking next to hers. You followed James inside. There were people everywhere. Men, wemon, people under 40, people 40 and older. People glanced at you, James, and Nomi but didn't raise any suspicions. For all they know, you're just some people who didn't dress up for the party. Nomi went up the stairs and pulled her gun out of her hidden holster. You pulled James into a room when she glanced your way. Thankfully, she didn't see you. She turned and walked towards a closed door. Two voices emanated from it. You could only make out two words. Heracles and Safin. Safin. You gripped your gun tighter. What did these people know about you or your father? Were they enemies or allies? More importantly, were they enemies of your father? Or allies? Have you seen them at the facility? James broke you out of your thoughts when he pulled you out of the room and down the hallway. Nomi sighed, and prepared to kick down the door. You opened your mouth to call to her but James covered your mouth and shook his head. Don't, said his eyes, the people in there will hear you, we don't want that. You nodded and watched Nomi kick down the door. Gun fire was everywhere. There were more than two people there. You and James ran into the room to help Nomi. Nomi grabbed a man who was sitting at a table, clutching a metal briefcase, and pulled him out of the room, shooting in random directions. You recognized the man on the other side of the table. It was Primo, one of your fathers men. He saw you and a flash of recognition flashed through his eye, the other one, the fake one, remained blank.

"y/n." He said firmly. You shot at him but missed. You pulled James out of the room and slammed the door.

"What are you doing here?" Nomi asked. "M said only me!"

"Well, if we weren't there, you would have been a pile of double o." You said. "You're welcome." Nomi rolled his eyes.

"y/n," James said. "That man, with the metal eye, he said your name. Do you know him?" You gulped. "y/n. Do. You. Know. Him?" You shook your head.

"I've never met him in my life." You lied. "He must know me somehow. I don't know him." James stared at you for a while before Nomi interrupted. 

"We have to get back to M, now." She ran towards the steps, dragging the scientist behind her. You and James followed. Just as you reached the stairs, the door banged open. Primo was the first one out. He shot at Nomi and James but not at you. You shot down a couple men and were almost hit by a bullet. When the crowd heard the gunshots, they scattered, making a stampede for the door. You followed Nomi, James, and the scientist, into the jumble. Bodies separated you from the others. Primo pushed through the crowd toward you followed by men, guns out. He ordered them to go after James, Nomi, and the scientist. He keeped his eyes on you. Nomi, James, and the Russian scientist reach the door and turn to find you. They see the men pushing through the crowd towards them and Primo putting a bag over your head. You elbowed his chest and his grip loosened around the bag. You ducked out of it and hurried through the crowd. James saw you coming and pulled Nomi and the scientist towards his car. The men started running after them. Finally, you reached the door and shot at the men chasing after James and Nomi. A few of them get hit but keep running. Nomi shot some of them down. You shot at their legs and pulled ahead of them. You pushed Nomi and the scientist into the back seat and jumped into the driver's seat. James jumped into the seat next to you and you pulled out of the driveway. Almost instantly three big cars started following you. "Hold on!" Nomi told James. You turned a sharp right and left. People ran out of the way of the four cars as they raced the streets. You drove into an open space.

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