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Your brother had left a year ago. He told you he'd come back in five months at the latest. He didn't tell you, or your father, what he was doing. And where he was going for that matter. You finally let the tears fall down your face after a year of holding them in. He had left. And never came back. He was your older brother and always protected you. But he was jealous of how father looked at you. Safin looked the same way at him but somehow, for me, it was different. Completely and utterly, different. You wiped your eyes. Pull it together y/n, you thought, he doesn't deserve your thoughts and feelings. Stop crying over him. Your phone binged and you picked it up.

Hey, y/n, sorry I haven't communicated with you in a bit, I just wanted to say I miss you.

Anger swept through your body.

You can't say you miss me! It's been a year! A YEAR!

I'm sorry y/n.

You can't be sorry. You left your family.

You're not my family! I'm no longer a Safin!

That stung the most.

Then what are you?! A traitor?!

I'm not a traitor!

Then what are you?!

I'm Logan Ash! I'm no longer Logan Safin like you and dad! I'm Logan Ash! You can go live your life thinking that you're a Safin.

I don't think I'm a Safin, I know I'm a Safin. I am a Safin and you aren't. You never were. You left me a year ago. You left me alone here. Here of all places! You left me with him!


"What are you doing?"

"I'm just looking at the plants." You said. "They're really pretty." Your father smiled.

"And dangerous." He said. "There's something I'd like to show you." You followed him into the garden. He showed you a pointy magenta flower. "Do you know what this plant does?" He asked you.

You shook your head and asked, "What does it do?"

"It makes you behave." Your father said. "It makes you do as you're told." You looked at the plant.

"It doesn't look like it could do that." You pointed out.

"Do not judge by appearance." Your father told you. "Looks can fool you."


You walk into MI6, followed by James and Nomi. M had been previously informed about what had happened at the poison garden and was pissed. James went in first, followed by Nomi, then you. M started as soon as the door was closed.

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING, BRINGING THAT PSYCHOPATH IN HERE!" He put emphasis on the word psychopath.

"Okay, first off, I didn't have a part in this." You said. "It was their idea."

"So you weren't there when they found Safin?"

"No, I was with Madeleine and Mathilde." You said truthfully. M took a few minutes of silent debate before saying something.

"Alright you can leave." M said. You smirked and left the room. Once you closed the door M resumed shouting. It was reduced to a less loud pitch but it was still loud. God M could shout.

"What's M shouting about?" Moneypenny asked.

"He's pissed about James and Nomi bringing Safin in." You explained.

"Why aren't you in there?"

"I didn't participate in making the call to bring him in. I was with Madeleine and Mathilde." You said.

"Oh, how is Dr. Swann?" Moneypenny asked. You shrugged.

"I don't know. I haven't seen her since the poison island." The door opened and James and Nomi came out, shaken. "What happened?" You asked.

"He was mad." Nomi said. "Really mad."

"But," James said. "He agreed to have Safin get locked up here."

"As long as he stays under firm protection." Nomi added. James nodded.

"Yeah, that." 

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