Chapter nine: And so it begins

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James looked at you, hurt burning in his eyes. You almost felt sorry. Almost.

"y/n, how could you?" He asked.

"How could I do what? Be born?" You asked. "At least my dad didn't die rock climbing!" That stung James. You turned to Madeleine. "And my dad didn't murder a entire family!" You turned and continued running. At least my father's still alive. You stopped when you had made some distance from James and Madeleine before stopping. You tried to catch your breath but the fear of what they would or will do helped the air evade your mouth. You clutched your chest and gasped. Tears were bubbling up. Nomi would know as soon as James or Madeleine could find her. Then your whole world would be turned upside down. Well, not completely. It would be when M would find out. Then he would send all of MI6 down upon you. But he wouldn't if you were already dead. You probably would be. Footsteps punchered your thoughts. You got ready to run. The footsteps stopped on the other side of the wall you were about to push off of.

"Hello y/n." The voice said. "Why are you running?" It was Safin.

"I told you to stay away from me." You hissed, fists clenching into balls.

"I know." Your father said calmly. "But I won't. What did Bond do to you?" Is he seriously asking this?

"Nothing." You lied, your voice shivering along with your body.

"You're lying." Safin hummed on the other side of the wall. "Tell the truth y/n." You spoke before your mind gave the order to speak.

"He knows." You said.

"He knows what?" Safin asked.

"That you're my father." You said. "He'll tell Nomi and M and then everyone at MI6 will know. They'll kill me." You smiled and gave a little laugh. "And it's all because of you."

"How is it because of me?" Safin asked. You laughed again.

"You seriously don't know?!"

"No." You kept laughing.

"You're my father." You grinned. "Your actions decide my future in their eyes." Gunshots. You ran towards the sound, not caring if your father followed you. He could follow if he wanted. He'll just have to see his only daughter get shot. Or shot. You ran into a hallway and saw James, Madeleine, Mathilde, and Nomi standing in it. They looked up and saw you. James stepped towards you but you stepped back, trying to keep as much distance between you and them as possible.

"y/n..." James said. "Did you really mean those things you said?"

"Everyone of them." You said. "The world doesn't revolve around who's good, who's evil, and who's related to who! It's about who will stand up for what's right even though someone who's related to them is evil. What don't you understand James? What did you see before you were clouded by Madeleine's hase of vengeance?" James opened his mouth but didn't say anything. "Exactly." Nomi stepped forward.

"y/n, what's going on?" She asked. "What do they know?"

"My past." You answered. "My future. Everything." Nomi's eyes widened.

"They know your last name!" She said.


"That," Madeleine pointed at you. "Is Safin's only child. That thing is evil."

"Oh, I'm sorry for pouring my blood, sweat and tears into working for MI6 Blondie jr." You said. "You're really making me regret shooting Blondie in the leg."

"Blondie?" Madeleine said. "Blondie jr?"

"Ash came first in my line of work. Swann came second." Madeleine looked confused.

"She's talking about Logan Ash." James clarified. "She nicknamed him Blondie." Nomi was staring at you.

"y/n..." She said. "What are you doing?" Pain was slashed in her eyes and even more of it was pouring out of the wounds. "He'll kill millions."

"He has a logical reason." You said. "He always does."

"You're on his side!" James said. "You've been all along! Blabbing secrets to him! Important information! M was right not to let you out of MI6! You wouldn't help bring the downfall of MI6 and the safe world! Your father is a psychopath! And so are you!" Your eyes stung. Ow. All of your previous anger was replaced with sadness.

"Give me the gun." You ordered Nomi. She handed you the pistol and you put it to your head, tears finally deciding to pour from your eyes.

"y/n, what are you doing?!" James yelled.

"I'm a psychopath! You said it yourself!" You said. "I'll help bring down MI6 from the inside." You closed your eyes and swallowed. "Because he's my father." You opened your reddening eyes. "Goodbye James, Nomi." Your finger curled around the trigger.

"No!" James yelled, lunging towards you. He pushed the gun away from your head just in time. You gasped and stumbled back. James sighed in relief. "Never do that again." He said.

"Why did you do that?!" Madeleine yelled. "She needs to die!"

"We need to destroy this facility." Nomi said. James nodded.

"No." You said. "We need the plants. I'm not crazy about those plants, but we need them." Silence. "There's a plant that will make you tell the truth. There's another one that will make someone turn from good to evil and evil to good. We can use those! MI6 can use those!"

"She does bring up a point." Nomi said.

"And there's one more thing." You said.

"And what's that?" James asked.

"No one must know that I'm a Safin." You said. "Then I'm gone, poof," You made a little explosion mosion with your hands. "and you don't want that." James nodded.

"We'll do it. But we need to kill Safin." You nodded.

"Just make sure I'm not there." You said. "Even though he deserves to die, it will be hard for me to watch."

"You have to watch it." Madeleine said. "I was there when he killed my mother."

"And his mother died at his feet along with the rest of his family." You said. That shut Madeleine up. You followed Nomi and James toward where you last talked to Safin. He wasn't there. Why would he be?

"Do you know where he would be?" James asked. You shook your head.

"I don't know him anymore." You said. "I haven't known him since I was ten." 

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