Author's note

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I know I should've posted this note a long time ago, before this story started, but back then, I was younger and didn't know the exact features of how a book should be written. So here goes! :)

First of all, this story stars a teenage girl and an adult guy, precisely of ages 16 and 24, so if anyone finds that weird at all, they can stop reading this. But by the half of the story, the female lead turns 18, so that problem might be over by then. However, I don't find this as much of a problem, since even when she's 16, they don't get sexually intimate and it's just being emotionally close. I hope you get what I mean!

And - there's no smut! ;)

Secondly, this story actually has two authors, and the second author is my cousin Aweirdoonearth01, whose An online mystery is also a must-read story, she describes emotions so well!
She's only 14 years old but honestly, she can certainly describe romance better than I do. At the starting of this story, for about one or two chapters, it was me alone who did it. But due to my intense lack of emotions and readers, she offered to help me out and that's when I gained at least this much votes and comments. A lot of people have said it too, that there's a lack of emotions in the first few chapters, and I know why.

So thank you so much for helping me out, girl! You really made me boost my confidence and also developed my writing style!

Thirdly, I do know that this story has a lot of errors at its first part but as I said before, I was younger and naive when I started it and didn't really know how to express emotions. Only when my cousin joined me did I develop my writing of emotions with her help.
So please be free to point out any mistakes in the chapters and provide constructive critisism!

Thank you!

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