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Izuku slipped in the window of his apartment, tears cascading down his freckled cheeks. As he checked the time, a sigh escaped his lips. His childhood friend would arrive soon. After his encounter with Deadpool, he wasn't fond of the idea of the boy yelling in his face for a solid- however long he would stay- hours. 

After changing from his suit into a simple t-shirt and gym shorts, and then washing his face, Izuku made his way to the kitchen, searching for food. A note hung from the fridge reading, 'Sorry sweetie! Had to work the double shift today! There's some leftovers in the fridge. XOXO- Aunt Inko.' As expected, his aunt had to work longer due to his uncle's absence. 

"Mmm, pizza..." the greenette mumbled as he found the box after his intense digging  for something satisfying enough for his taste buds. Placing his dinner in the microwave, Deku heard the anticipated sound of knocking. Sliding on the hardwood floors, he opened the door to a familiar hot headed blonde. 

Katsuki looked tired, like I haven't gotten sleep in 72 hours tired. "Kacchan, are you ok?" he asked, concerned. Said boy growled at him and trudged past into the living room. Izuku frowned. Well that was rude...

He followed after the expolding pineapple, but took a detour into the kitchen for his long awaited pizza. With a bite of the cheesy goodness, he emerged from the kitchen, facing his project partner. "Wamms shom peice-a?" he offered while waving around the slice in his hand, mouth full. Katsuki's lips turned slightly upwards. 

"Whatever, nerd," he snorted, accepting Izuku's offer. "Where are we going to-"

"My room," Deku interrupted. Kastuki raised an eyebrow, but shrugged, gesturing for the teen to lead the way.

As the two entered the room, Bakugo giggled at the Avengers poster hanging above his bed. "You're still into that stuff, Deku?" he taunted him.

"Kacchan you had the same Hulk bed sheets until we were 13," Izuku deadpanned. 

"I-I'M- STUPID DEKU!" he yelled, flushed, throwing a pillow at him. Without effort, Izuku caught it with a smirk.  

"I'm sorry Kacchan did I hurt your fweewings?~" the freckled teen cooed. Kastuki glared at him.

"Shut the fuck up, you nerd."

[ four hours later ]

"Hey- Deku!" Bakugo said, interrupting Izuku's mutetring.

Said boy looked up with those god forsaken green eyes. "Yeah Kacchan?" 

The blonde pulled himself out from his trance of Deku-land. "I gotta go."

 Izuku looked up at the clock above his doorway. "Oh yeah, we have school tomorrow," Katsuki heard him mumble with a hint of- was that annoyance he heard...? He raised an eyebrow, but smirked. 

He gathered his stuff and walked to the door, turning back to his childhood friend who had promised he would see him out. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow, nerd."

Izuku smiled. "Yeah, see you tomorrow."



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