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Hawks: Falcon

Enji Todoroki: Norman Osborn


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  K  A  T  S  U  K  I  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

"And that's why Spiderman is the best hero!" Bakugo concluded. 

His red haired friend raised an eyebrow on the other end of the call, though not visible. "Your main argument was that he has a fantastic ass."

"What other point do I need?"

Ejirou Kirishima, one of the blonde's goons you could see following him around everywhere. Also, one of the only people who got to know Katsuki's real personality- well, outside of the whole Deadpool scheme of course.

"Ah, shit... sorry man I gotta go-" Kirishima said, an audible frown on his face.

"Ok dude, take care," Katsuki fair-welled. The call cancelled, leaving the blonde alone with his thoughts. "Maybe I can find Spidey and apologize..." he thought out loud. "Yeah! That's exactly what I'll do!" he exclaimed with newfound energy.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I   Z   U   K   U^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

(Izuku) UNDEROOS: So.... you aren't....🦄💖💖💞✨✨🦄🍆🍆💅💅💅

(Hawks) Finger lickin' good: No... what could you possibly mean? 🥰

UNDEROOS: Let's pretend you weren't marveling at Cap's ass yesterday 😊

Finger lickin' good: It IS America's ass

UNDEROOS: You have no shame 🙃

UNDEROOS: Ah, gtg heard a scream like a dying roach, ttyl😘💅✨

Finger lickin' good: bye shawty 😭😭😭 /j


Izuku closed his phone and placed it in his unseen pockets, swinging towards the horrible sound. "Sorry, I'm not really going to hurt you- I just sort of needed you to scream so I could see baby boy..." he heard a familiar voice say.

"Dead... pool-?" he asked, touching down in the alley way. 

The man in the red and black suit gasped. "Spidey!" he exclaimed as he let go of the woman he was holding. Bakugo ran up to the masked greenette, crushing him in a hug. "IMSOSORRYABOUTTHEOTHERDAY!IFYOUWOULDPLEASEGIVEMEANOTHERCHANCE,ILLGIVEYOUTHETIMEOFYOURLIFEANDWECANFUCK-" the mercenary yelled all at once.

Deku frowned. "I didn't understand a word you just said."

The blonde sighed. "Look... I'm sorry... about your uncle, about what I- I did.... but I'm willing to start fresh. I heard you have some connections with the big guys- like Capsicle and Tin Can," Deadpool internally cringed at calling his childhood heroes such silly names, "maybe you could convince them to get me to accommodate you on a mission?" 

The animated eyes on the arachnid's mask seemed to smile slightly. "Maybe I could, Red," Deku said, punching his childhood friend's arm.

"Ooh!~ Are we giving each other nicknames now? How about webhead? Bug boy? Pesky fly? Super hot Mcshizzle- no that's just my Percy Jackson phase talking- what about.... Spider Dork?" Katsuki rambled as Izuku shook his head at all the nicknames- occasionally blushing at a few. "How about..." Deadpool pulled the super into him, "mine?" 

Izuku stayed silent for a few seconds, than shoved the taller off of him. "Goodbye."


"Bye, Deadpool~" Izuku smirked, purring the last part. The hero swung off, leaving the other male alone.



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