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A/N: Chicken.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Izuku ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

"I swear to fucking god I will drop kick you out thee window if you two don't shut the fuck up," Izuku yelled, interrupting Hawks and Deadpool's conversation about the friendship dynamic of the main six of My Little Pony. 

Both men frowned. "Butt (he giggled) De- KID- the power of friendship makes no sense if you can't understand their friendship!" The greenette groaned. 

"Whatever, do what you want- I'm going... out," Deku announced. 

Hawks smirked. "Yeah- go hang out with that boy toy of yours!" he called after Izuku as the boy marched out. The spiderling flushed and continued out of the room.



Spider-man flipped over the robber- really just showing off. He continued to fool around until he felt a menacing feeling from behind him. Deciding to stop messing around and just web the men to a wall. 

"Who's there?" he called out, getting in a defensive position. A man with black hair and purple scars littered on his face, arms, and wherever skin was exposed appeared from behind a doorway. 

"Hello there," the mystery man said.

Izuku made raised an eyebrow. "Who are you?" he asked.

The male smirked. "My names Dabi."

Snickering, the arachnid muttered out a joke, "Dabeez nuts."

"Nice one baby boy!!!" yelled a voice from the main entrance to the bank. The greenette let out a groan. "Who's this dude?" Deadpool asked.


"Like.... from Harry Potter?"


"Master has given Dobby a glock! Dobby is now a villain!"

Izuku would be lying if he said that didn't make him at least giggle. Suddenly, a wave of blue fire came hurtling towards the vigilante and mercenary dove out of the way, the shorter of the two unfortunately landing on his unknowingly childhood friend's chest.

 Katsuki wiggled his unseen eyebrows. "Baby boy as much as I'd love to, we kid of have a job to do right n-" Izuku threw himself of thee blondes chest- much to said boy's dismay. Spider-man launched a web at Dabi- who just burned it before it even had the chance to touch him. 

"That would make due for a nice party trick," the brunette taunted. Deku growled and rushed up Dabi, surprising him. He delivered a harsh kick to the man's cheek- sending him crashing into a wall.

"Yeet," Katsuki muttered from the other side of the room. The hero turned around and sent him a glare. "Aight... aight... my bad," the blonde apologized. 

The vigilante approached the man who laid limp under a pile of rocks. "He's out cold..." Izuku announced. "We should probably take him to Yagi tower- they'll know what to do with him.

"Yeah, probably," the blonde agreed. Deku heard the sound of a zipper and a sigh. "That's a lot better!" the merc exclaimed.

Midoriya turned around to a literal nightmare. Katsuki Bakugo stood there in the Deadpool suit looking straight at him, a shit-eating grin on his face. "Y'know- I know you wont tell anyone, so why not be free?" he exclaimed.

Izuku failed to breathe. "I- i have t-to go! You take care of him!" And with that, the arachnid swung out the bank and into the streets of New York- contemplating life.



&quot;Nice @$$&quot; [Spideypool / BakuDeku]Where stories live. Discover now