Chapter 1

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He had traveled so many places over his world, all while running at supersonic speed. Throughout many adventures, he had always chased after the mad scientist who had gone from trying to turn all animals into robots, to wanting to build an empire under his name. And at the end of every adventure, he would always stop him. Of course, along the way, he'd see all sorts of places. Places like Green Hill Zone, the Chemical Plant, Pumpkin Hill, and so much more.

But out of all of his adventures, he couldn't recall running through a place like this.

Sonic didn't know how he got here in the first place. One minute he was just running casually, like he normally would. An "easy jog" (as he would call it) to a whole other city, or maybe even another country, thanks to his supersonic running speed abilities. And the next minute, everything was black.

He couldn't see anything around him. It was that dark, and there weren't any sounds. All he could hear was the sound of him panting as he ran. He didn't know why he was feeling tired, nor why he couldn't hear his own echoing footsteps, since he thought that he was in a dark tunnel. There was no way that the outside world could be that dark.

It felt like forever, but the blue hedgehog finally noticed that there was something up ahead. A light of some sort, but even at his speed, it was taking a long time for him to approach the light. The blue hedgehog tried to run more, fighting exhaustion and trying to continue going forward.

He finally reached the light, seeing that it was a closed lit up door, with a bright sign above it that said "EXIT".

Sonic formed an unamused look as he saw the sign above. Was it really that serious on labeling what it was?

Regardless, he was tired from running in the complete dark, and he wanted to get out of wherever he was. So he stepped up, grabbed the door handle, turned it, and pushed the door open.

And if the last place he ran through was strange, then he couldn't tell if where he ended up now was even stranger.

It looked like he finally made it outside, possibly to a town of some sort. But it never looked like any town he had been to. He had run through cities with tall sky scrapers, strolled through small villages, and even seen all sorts of towns that he would jump from rooftop to rooftop at.

It looked like a town indeed, but what caught him off guard was how colorless the area was. Nothing in his environment had any color, because everything was in shades of grey. It looked so dull, and based on how quiet and how he was alone, the town possibly could've been dead to.

Sonic began to walk through the village. He felt a cold chill in the air, making him shiver. But for some reason, he felt really sad. He didn't know why he was feeling that way, but he had a glum expression on his face, and was even feeling the urge to cry.

He opened his mouth, but for some reason, he couldn't call out. That made the blue hedgehog nervous. First the black area, then the dead town, followed by the sudden wave of sadness, and now he couldn't talk.

Truly, this was the strangest set of events he had gone through. Stranger than being pulled into books with genies or knights, or getting turned into a werewolf.

Suddenly, Sonic heard the sound of an explosion from somewhere. The blue hedgehog gasped, and began to run in the direction where he heard it come from. He wasn't one to run away from danger, but not because he liked it. He would run towards danger because it meant that something was threatening his world. Or worse, it was threatening his friends.

As he ran towards the source of the sound, the blue hedgehog realized that he wasn't running at his normal speed. Out of all the things to happen, now he couldn't run at his normal speed anymore?!

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