Chapter 16

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Everything was dark, but that didn't stop her from running. Knowing that she was being chased, it gave her the drive to just move. She refused to stay here, with him. He was insane to think that this was okay. He wanted her all to himself, and she couldn't have it.

So she ran in the darkness, trying to find a way out, as she could hear the sounds of someone running behind her, chasing after her.

"You can't keep running from me forever, Katelyn!" the angry voice shouted out.

They sounded like a male teenager, but something seemed sinister with their voice, as if it was something from a horror movie.

Ignoring the voice, Kate continued to run, spotting a door at the end of the hallway. Fighting the fatigue she was feeling from running, she did her best to pick up the pace. She reached the door and slammed it shut, even going the extra effort to push a nearby locker to barricade the door. It wasn't easy, for she lacked upper body strength, but she managed to get it in front of the door.

The figure chasing her banged on the door angrily, so hard that it made the room shake a little bit.

"Open up!" he shouted furiously.

Kate obviously ignored them, backing away quickly. She spun around to look around. The room was too dark, so she couldn't tell where to hide. To make matters worse, there wasn't another door. She was trapped in here.

The faint glint of something caught in her eye, and she turned to see something. Whatever it was, it was shiny, and it looked sharp.

With nowhere to run and no sign of any hiding spots, Kate knew that the other option was to defend herself. She rushed over to the object, though it was inside a case. She grabbed a nearby object and smashed the glass, and reached in to grab the item that looked like a weapon.

But as she grabbed the handle and raised the object, before she could decipher what kind of weapon it was, it began to glow brightly, and the light consumed her.

As the flash appeared in his dream, Sonic found himself waking up with a jolt of energy. He jumped up from the floor, almost to the point where he was standing up. Once he got on his feet, he scanned his surroundings, finding himself back in the villa in Kate's guest room.

The blue hedgehog glanced over at the guest bed, where Kate was fast asleep. She was still recovering from the kart crash, for she still had bandages on her head. Sonic then looked down on the floor, seeing the makeshift bed he and Mario made with some extra sheets and pillows that they laid out on the floor. Mario was fast asleep as well, and he had his hat covering the top half of his face to shield his eyes.

Sonic let out a sighed relief as he realized that it was only a dream. But even though he felt relaxed, the blue hedgehog looked over at his friends with a worried look.

'Not another dream... I wonder... after what we learned last night before we went to sleep, could that be the memory of Kate getting teleported off of her planet and onto ours? If only I could see the weapon, so that I can confirm that she's the good guy! But she has to be the good guy! No way she would want to hurt any of us! I better talk to her when it's day and we have a chance to talk about it in privacy...' thought Sonic.

With that in mind, Sonic laid back down on the floor, intending to get some more sleep until it was daytime, if he could.

Despite the startling dream in the middle of the night, Sonic managed to get enough sleep until it was well into the late morning. He felt a bit bad for sleeping in, but none of the less, Kate and Mario weren't mad at him about it. If anything, Vanilla had left the three of them alone when she came to check on Kate once the sun rose up. She didn't question it, for she figured that the boys were close friends with Kate and only wanted to keep her company through the night.

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