Chapter 14

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First she could hear the drowning noises of her friends crying out her name in a state of complete panic. After that, things went black.

It stayed black for a while, but soon, Kate could see some flashes of images. Fragments of her memories, based on the things that she saw while unconscious from the crash.

The first fragment was going to visit her mother in the hospital, and her father telling her that she was now a big sister.

"Katelyn, say hello to your new little sister," she heard her mother's voice tell her.

She approached her mother, who lying in the hospital bed and cradling a tiny baby girl in her arms with the same black hair and skin color as her. A young Kate smiled as she looked at her new baby sister and whispered, "Hello."

The second fragment of a memory was of her in a school courtyard, playing with a few other kids during recess. They were playing a game of handball, and having fun laughing as they did so. But in the background, a group of boys were watching, and as they saw Kate miss the ball, they laughed at her, pointing at her and calling out rude things as they did.

"Stupid girl!"


"Ha ha! You can't even hit a ball!"

Kate only merely ignored them and served the ball, continuing to play with her friends.

The next flashback consisted of when she was a little bit older. This time, she was in some sort of doctor's office, getting her first pair of glasses. She put them on and smiled brightly saying, "I look so smart, just like I am!"

The scene then flashed to her back at school, and hearing some of her schoolmates laughing at her and calling her, "Nerd!" repeatedly, which made her rather sad.

Another fragment of a memory suddenly appeared. She was around this age she had now, and was spending time with her cousin Mara, whom she remembered being so close with.

"You're so lucky Mara! I wish I had a Wii too!"

"We can play together, you know? We can make you a character so that whenever you come by, we can play Wii Sports together!"


"Of course, cuz."

The scene then shifted to the two of them playing some boxing on said video game. Mara had beaten her in the game, but Kate didn't mind. She smiled as she and her cousin shared a laugh.

The next memory flashback appeared, where she was back at the hospital. This time though, she and her sister we both visiting their mother, to see that their mother was cradling another baby in her arms.

"Girls, here is your new baby brother."

"He's so cute!"

"Finally, I'm not the younger sibling!"

The scene suddenly vanished, and Kate was back in school. This one was different, for instead of being in a courtyard for recess, she was walking in the hallways, avoiding everyone as she tried her best to make her way to her locker. All the other students either bumped into her rudely, or stared at her with disgusted looks on their faces as she tried to make her way through the hallways.

"Oh look. It's the freak."

"I can't believe she still thinks we were friends back in elementary school."

"She's so weird! She talks to herself so often! Why do the teachers even put up with her?"

"She should go to the school for freaks! Go with the clowns you belong, freak!"

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