Chapter 7

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The weekend had finally arrived, which meant that it was time for a break from training. It was the perfect time for Sonic, Knuckles, Amy, and Kate to all head out to Westopolis for their hangout. It was especially easy to head out since Shadow still wasn't back from his call to report back to GUN, since the four figured that the black hedgehog may argue against their outing.

But just in case, Kate got her hoodie and put it back on. Mario and Sonic insisted that she keep a low profile, unsure if there were more posters with her face in the city.

So after they were all ready to head out, the four got into the van that Manic drove to the villa and headed off to the city. It didn't take too long to get to Westopolis with a vehicle, and once they arrived, they parked the van in a public parking garage and began their outing.

"Whoa, this city is certainly unique for its style..." Kate said, as she was looking around.

"The city has the nickname 'the city of the future'. Tails said it's mainly due to its high advances in technology, one being the Extreme Gear," said Sonic.

"Extreme Gear?" asked Kate, forming a confused look.

"It's a special kind of race on hover boards. We've participated in some tournaments in the past," said Amy.

"Yep, and we certainly can't forget them," said Knuckles.

"I wonder if I'll ever get to try the sport for myself," said Kate.

"Maybe you should. Already you're getting pretty skilled in handling your powers, and that race with you was great. Maybe Extreme Gear could be a rematch," said Sonic.

He gave her a wink. Kate giggled, but she replied, "Maybe. For now, let's just enjoy our outing."

The four began walking around in the streets of Westopolis, searching for something to do. All around them, there were many Mobians roaming the sidewalks and streets, but there were very few humans around other than Kate. Some Mobians did end up staring at the group was they made their way around.

"Why are they staring at us?" Kate whispered nervously.

"It might be because of us. I mean, Sonic is a pretty famous hero, and Knuckles and I are his friends," said Amy.

"Oh. Right... forgot about that..." Kate whispered, smiling nervously.

Some Mobians, mainly girls, started to wink and wave at the group, primarily Sonic and Knuckles. Knuckles tried to ignore them, feeling nervous with the fan girls staring at him. Sonic, trying his best to be friendly, just smiled and waved back.

Kate saw how tense Knuckles was feeling. She could sense that it was the fan girls making him nervous, and she didn't know what made her do it, but she quickly grabbed his hand and walked next to him.

Knuckles blushed a little, and looked down to see Kate holding his hand. Although he was blushing, he didn't feel nervous anymore. He felt comforted for some reason, knowing that Kate was by his side to help him feel better.

Sonic and Amy saw the two holding hands. They couldn't help but grin as they saw Knuckles and Kate already holding hands.

The four continue walking down the street, feeling more relaxed with each step they took as they made their way in Westopolis. As they continued to make their way, the group soon didn't have to worry about others staring at them. Less citizens were staring at them with each passing minute, and it felt reassuring.

After walking for a bit, Kate was looking around to see if there was something that they could do. The whole time, she and Knuckles were still holding hands. Sonic and Amy, who were walking a few feet behind them, were pleased to see that the two were still walking together and still holding hands.

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