Chapter 10

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Although the race was just yesterday, Knuckles didn't want to continue resting up. He felt ready to take on another day, and even get involved with training Kate on using her powers. Something about how she came to his aid after the Extreme Gear race yesterday made him feel touched. And awkward, which was why he wanted to thank Kate for her help. He didn't want things to be awkward between the two of them, especially since she promised him that she would do her best to not make him feel uncomfortable.

But after waking up the next morning, Knuckles could feel some pain in his head. The headache was still there, so much to his dismay, he was going to have to rest up at least for another day.

The red echidna was lying in bed. He had just finished eating a bowl of cereal, which he placed on the nightstand so he could try his best to relax and rest up. But he couldn't find himself to doze off and return to sleep. He lied in bed, wide awake and staring at the ceiling.

Knuckles let out a sigh, feeling bored out of his mind.

There was a soft knock on the door, which caught his attention. He sat up, and to his surprise, Sonia was the one who came in to check on him. She was carrying a ceramic bowl with a bunch of red grapes inside.

"Hi Knuckles!" she greeted him. "How are you feeling today?"

"Better, but not enough to get back on my feet. I can't help out with Kate's training today..." the red echidna muttered.

"Perhaps it's better that you don't participate in that. Sonic said he's training her in swordsman ship today..." Sonia said, forming an unamused look on her face as she finished her sentence.

"Sword training?" asked Knuckles, looking a little interested.

"Yeah. Not proper for a lady at all, and I don't see how it can be helpful for her powers either..." Sonia muttered.

She let out a sigh, changing her expression to a friendly smile as she did. "Well, I brought you some grapes, your favorite snack. Hope this cheers you up," she said, handing him the bowl.

"Oh. Well uh... thanks Sonia. I'll just eat some later. I just had breakfast," he said. He took the bowl and put it on his nightstand.

"My pleasure," Sonia said. She smiled at the echidna and blushed a bit.

Knuckles blushed as well, but not for the same reason as her. He knew that she was going to try woo him yet again.

"So Knuckles, it's been a while since we got to see each other. I really missed you," said Sonia.

"You did?" asked Knuckles.

"Yes, but I've been keeping up with current events. I was always interested to see what my brother was up to, saving the world. And every time you were alongside Sonic," said Sonia.

She sat down in a chair next to his bed and gently reached out for his hand. Knuckles blushed nervously. As much as he wanted to pull his hand away, he felt frozen in place for some reason.

"Anyway, I don't think we've really had a chance to catch up. So... I was wondering, maybe we can catch up during dinner or something," she said, smiling at him.

"Y-you mean... l-like a d-date?" Knuckles nervously asked, turning redder on his face.

"Maybe..." Sonia said, in a flirty tone. "So, what do you say? We could go wherever you like."

"I-I'll think a-about it! I-I should really rest u-up right n-now!" Knuckles stuttered.

Sonia gave a little giggle and smiled. She was possibly oblivious to how nervous she was making the echidna right now with her flirtations. "Okay. Get some rest, and I'll see you later," she said.

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